Site Watcher - A Web Service for Phishing Detection Based on Cloud Computing

Project: Research

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The goal of this project is to use our newly developed technology on anti-phishing to develop a Web service for effective and efficient phishing detection, for both enterprise users and end-users to timely and proactively detect phishing.Named SiteWatcher, our solution is a Web Service based on cloud computing to automatically, accurately, and immediately identify if a given URL points to a phishing webpage and find the legitimate webpage it is attacking (its phishing target). We will decompose our system into a few modules and keep the kernel module at our servers while deploying other modules (requiring large bandwidth and intensive computation) to cloud servers. We may also develop plug-ins and APIs for enterprise users' various Web applications (including Web browsers, search engines, Email readers/servers, online shopping websites, and online advertisement management websites, etc.). End-users can also submit suspicious URLs to our service to check detection results.Our solution is the first and so far the only one which can detect phishing target in the world and can detect more than 99% phishing cases within a few seconds to a few minutes, much better than existing browser's phishing detection accuracy and efficiency. For example, Microsoft IE can detect only 40% phishing cases within 7 days and the average time to detect a phishing case is more than 24 hours. With cloud computing, we believe we can further improve our system's efficiency. Hence we believe our solution can dramatically reduce the number of victims of phishing once deployed.


Project number9666009
Grant typeARD
Effective start/end date1/03/1228/06/13