Realization of a Novel Automatic 2D to 3D Autostereoscopic Images for Multiple Operating System Computing Devices

Project: Research

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The 2D to 3D autostereoscopic image conversion technology is based on an invention by the applicant which has been previously files as a PCT patent. The invention enables a single picture (which may be captured by an ordinary webcam or digital camera) or screen shots of the computer to be converted into a set of multi-view images. The latter can be displayed on 3D monitor (or digital photo frame) and provide viewers with a 3D perception without the need of wearing special glasses. The method can also be applied to convert motion video signals.The objective of this project is to develop a set of software libraries for realizing the technology on computers that run on different Operating Systems. The target Operating Systems (OS) include the popular PC, MAC, and the Android. Noted that different Operating Systems deviate significantly in programming language, environments (SDK), as well as input and graphic interfaces. Hence different methods of realization are required for the same method. A set of drivers will also be developed to display the converted 3D content to different kinds of 3D autostereoscopic monitors and photoframes.The software libraries and drivers can be licensed to other developers, who can produce their own products by wrapping cosmetic features and user interfaces.


Project number6351011
Grant typeARD
Effective start/end date1/06/1111/04/13