Modeling and Evaluation of Supplemental Air Cleaning Devices under Actual Building Ventilation Conditions
Project: Research
Indoor environment is important to people's health and welfare because in Hong Kong, up to 90% of a typical person's time is spent indoor. Worker's productivity is related to indoor environment, such as indoor air quality and thermal comfort. The economic cost in Hong Kong due to poor indoor environment would be at billions of dollars annually.Commercial air cleaners are now available to protect the individual occupant. Their application becomes more and more popular. But the public and building managers have insufficient information to determine the actual efficiency of any supplemental air-cleaning device.Critical parameters of capture area and removal efficiency will be investigated for a variety of supplemental air-cleaning devices under conditions of different source configurations and ventilation designs. This study should contribute to a general reduction in health care costs and productivity loss. This should also contribute to improve energy efficiency in nonindustrial buildings through proper design. Reduction in energy consumption will benefit global sustainability.Detail(s)
Project number | 7002481 |
Grant type | SRG |
Status | Finished |
Effective start/end date | 1/04/09 → 19/07/11 |