Generating Least Fragmented And Redundancy Freed XML Schema with Semantic Augmented Hypergraph Metadata Data Model

Project: Research

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A lot of work has been proposed for the graphical representation of XML. For example, some researchers mapped UML into XML schema. Some reverse engineer XML logical schema into UML. Their methods lack of designing an XML conceptual schema from the beginning, which are mapped into an XML logical schema consequently. Furthermore, UML is not in tree structure as XML database.This project proposes a Semantic Augmented Hypergraph metadata data model to specify data requirement and map it into XML conceptual schema with data semantics among elements of cardinality, participation, isa relationship, generalization, categorization, aggregation, n-ary and unary relationships. As a result, the mapped XML schema DTD can be reengineered to XSD, and XSD to DTD through their identical Semantic Augmented Hypergraph metadata data model.We are interested in constructing XML conceptual schema with “good” properties. Data semantic describes the meaning of data, including the relationship between data. Two properties are particularly outstanding. First, the XML conceptual schema must not have redundant data because redundant data lead to multiple update problem once a single copy is modified. Second, since joins are expensive, the generated XML schema must have least pointers that link fragments in order to reduce the number of joins required to answer a query.Two kinds of XML conceptual schemas are investigated for the standard XML conceptual schema, namely DTD Graph for XML schema DTD (Data Type Definition) and XML Tree Model for XML schema XSD (XML Schema Definition). The DTD Graph is an identical image of DTD in graph format. The XML Tree Model consists of various data semantics in a graph which are mapped into XSD. A methodology is derived to ensure that these XML conceptual schemas are least fragmented by ensuring that elements in the same functional dependencies closure are connected together under the same fragment. A fragment is an element immediately under root element. It also ensures that the XML conceptual schema are redundancy free by replacing repeating data element occurrences with an artifact element which refers to a single element fragment with one occurrence of the data.The significance of this research project is to provide an XML data modeling technique which is efficient, normalized and map to two different XML schema DTD and XSD, and can also reengineer DTD into XSD, or XSD into DTD through SA Hypergraph metadata data model. As XML becomes data standard on the Internet, the SA Hypergraph metadata data model can also become industrial design standard for XML database.


Project number7002758
Grant typeSRG
Effective start/end date1/05/1219/03/14