Enhancing University Students' Learning Motivation. Phase 1: Helping Students Develop Their Own Learning Motivation

Project: Research

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This project extends the informal investigation on students' learning motivation (Kwan 2006) and aims to enhance university students' learning motivation. The duration of the Phase (1) of this project is one year, which helps students understand their own learning motivation and develop self-motivation strategies so that they are empowered to be self-regulated learners who are able to learn lifelong.A total of 144 first year students from FB, FHS & FSE will be invited to this longitudinal study. Students will identify their own motivation profiles by anlaysing their Attitude & Motivation scores in LASSI (Learning And Study Strategies Inventory) and factors that affecting their intrinsic motivation in IMI (Intrinsic Motivation Inventory).Based on their profile students formulate their Personal Development Plans (PDPs) on line for updating and sharing. Focus group sessions will be organised for these students to interact with their peers, student facilitators and teachers to refine their goals and plans in their PDPs leading to the enhancement of their self-motivation strategies thus learning motivation.


Project number6000124
Grant typeTDG(CityU)
Effective start/end date15/01/079/09/08