"Enhancing Teaching and Learning on Nuclear Power Plant Technology by Applying 3-D Immersive Display Technology"

Project: Research

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"Nuclear power is often seen as a mysterious technology to the general public and students. This is due to the fact that the technology itself is difficult to understand. Also, many nuclear power plants are not opened for public viewing, especially the nuclear part of the plant. So, even if we organize a visit to the nearby nuclear power station, the students can only visit the exhibition hall, take a picture of the reactor buildings from a distance and possibly visit the nuclear reactor simulator. In addition, it is impossible to construct a small experimental nuclear reactor in Hong Kong for students to conduct some experiments. So, teaching and learning of the technology in Hong Kong is not easy as compared to other engineering disciplines.The project is to apply 3-D immersive display technology to enhance the teaching and learning on Nuclear Power Plant Technology (MBE3111 Introduction to Nuclear Power Plant). The application of 3-D immersive display will enable the students to visualize some important structures of a nuclear power plant such as pressure vessel, spent fuel pool, and steam generator. Through the visualization of important structures of a nuclear reactor, students would learn how to relate abstract theories to the real world implementation in order to develop a deeper understanding of the subject. This project team will draw on the expertise of Prof Jerrfey Shaw’s team to develop the contents."


Project number6980114
Grant typeTLF
Effective start/end date31/08/1431/01/18