Dynamic Re-provisioning of Virtual Data Centers (VDCs) in Cloud Data Centers

Project: Research

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To efficiently implement Infrastructure-as-a-service (IaaS), a cloud data center usually hosts hundreds of virtual data centers (VDCs) with various sizes and service level agreements (SLAs). With the dynamic creation, resizing, and termination of VDCs, there are many open issues and major challenges to efficiently and dynamically provision and re-provision VDCs in a cloud data center. In this proposal, we will address these timely and challenging issues. In particular, this project will investigate how to optimize dynamic VDC re-provisioning, whenever it is appropriate or mandatory, to achieve high utility of the cloud data center and to provide the best possible SLAs. We expect to develop solutions to empower the cloud service providers to make the appropriate decisions under various situations, i.e., to balance the tradeoffs between the cost of dynamic VDC re-provisioning and the system performance. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first attempt to systematically study VDC re-provisioning in a cloud data center.


Project number7008179
Grant typeSRG
Effective start/end date1/05/1230/06/12