Development of Robust Stable Perovskite Quantum Dots with Optimal Optical Performance for Light Emitting Device Applications

Project: Research

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Starting in 2009, perovskite materials in the form of bulk thin films have attracted a lot ofattention in the area of solar energy generation. The latest solar cell efficiency is above 20%.Nanoscale colloidal perovskite quantum dots (PQDs), are a relatively new subject of research.These were first reported by Perez-Prieto in 2014 as CH3NH3PbBr3 (MAPbBr3) PQDs coatedwith medium carbon chain length ligands in organic solvent. Researchers all over the worldare focusing increasingly on this topic with over 20 further research papers in the interveningperiod. Due to the high photoluminescence quantum yield and tunable emission, suchmaterials have potential applications in different areas such as light emitting devices (LEDs),lasers, bio-labeling and so on. Development of the understanding of general syntheticprinciples regarding size, structure and mechanisms behind PQD formation is of immensefundamental and technological importance. Despite a few outstanding results, routine andacross the board preparation of such materials remains a challenge. The already existingmethods suffer from several drawbacks such as insufficient stability of the resulting materials,and the formation mechanism remains to be fully explored. Our recently published studyindicated quantum confinement effects in MAPbBr3 PQDs, and their photoluminescencequantum yield (up to 93%) for the blue/green spectral regions was among the highestreported until now. The initial stage of this proposal will focus on elucidation and control ofthe PQD formation mechanism, and development of the synthesis of stable PQDs that arestrongly emitting over the whole visible spectral range. This will be achieved through the useof different stabilizers, as well as reaction temperature as key parameters to manipulate thesize, shape (spheres, cubes, nanoplatelets and nanorods), and afford surface protection of thePQDs. Understanding of the formation mechanism will provide us with clues on how tooptimize the optical performance of PQDs. New Pb-free PQD variants such as Sn orGe-based perovskites will also be explored. The second stage of the project will focus on thepost-synthetic modification of PQDs to improve their chemical and optical stability. Thecoating of PQDs with silica or polymer shells will protect them from the environment. Theresulting range of PQD emitters with broad emission tunability, high emission quantum yield,and good environmental stability will be used in the final stage of the project to producephosphor-converter type white LEDs, and electroluminescent color tunable LEDs.


Project number9042406
Grant typeGRF
Effective start/end date1/01/1714/12/20

    Research areas

  • Perovskites , Quantum dots , Synthesis mechanism , Photoluminescence , Light emission devices