Development of Large-area Perovskite Films by Vapor Growth Methods for High-performance and Stable Photovoltaic Modules

Project: Research

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The project aims to develop "large-area perovskite films prepared by vapor growth methods for high-performance and stable photovoltaic modules". We will (1) reveal the gas phase reaction mechanism from the molecular level through quantum chemical computational simulation and mass spectrometry experimental methods; (2) design the gas phase reaction route to prepare large-area and high-uniformity perovskite films by gas-phase reaction; (3) rationally design novel charge transport materials with suitable energy-level and good water and oxygen resistance, light and thermal stability; (4) optimize the perovskite modules by designing a new series-parallel connection structure, layer stacking and scribing methods to improve the efficiency of photovoltaic modules. The implementation of this project will lead to the development of high-efficiency large-area perovskite photovoltaic modules, which are better than current developed perovskite photovoltaic module, and have huge potential in the building integrated photovoltaics.


Project number9440311
Grant typeITF
Effective start/end date17/10/2216/10/24