Design and Fabrication of Digital Image and Video Watermarking Chip for Copyright and Forgery Protection

Project: Research

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The rapid advancement of digital scanner, digital camera and digital video recorder technologies has created a huge market for digital multi-media, such as documents, photos and videos, storage, retrieval and reproduction market. The ease of modifications using editing tools makes the identification of original masterpiece became difficult and these forgeries sometimes become an important issue for identification, authentication and law enforcement. The demand of a security protection chip increases as digital documents in form of digital images became popular. To share a part in this expanding market and to provide a security chip for multi-media protection, the design and fabricate a digital watermarking chip for generating a strong watermark that can stand against most digital filtering and processing techniques is proposed. Through the collaboration of well-established local Solution Expert Technology Limited and PRC Shenzhen Emperor Technology Development Co. Ltd. and with the support of well established Chip and System Technology Centre of VTC and this work can flourish into a solely made and own by Hong Kong/Guangdong multimedia protection technology. By creating an infrastructure of know-how in security chip design supported by wafer fabrication in China/Taiwan/USA and by market locally and worldwide, our competitiveness can be largely enhanced.數碼式掃描器、照相機和錄影機技術的迅速發展,創造了新的消費電子市場,如文件、相片 和錄影、存貯、檢索和再生市場。使用先進編輯工具修改原作令證明原作變得困難,偽件更 成為核證、認證和執法的重要問題;市場對數碼式對原作核證『安全保護芯片』的需求增加。 要分享在這個擴展市場提供安全芯片作為保護,我們建議設計和製造數字式能抵受數碼過濾 和圖像處理『強化水印芯片』。通過和香港專訊科技有限公司及深圳雄帝科技發展有限公司 及職業訓練局『芯片和系統技術中心』合作,可共同發展成為屬于粵港擁有的安全保護芯片 技術。發展完善保密資料處理技術,加上利用中國、台灣、美國生產技術和本土及國際市場, 可以提升香港在國際市場的競爭力。


Project number9440044
Grant typeITF
Effective start/end date1/07/0630/09/08