CityU Coding Education Ambassador Outreach (CEAO)

Project: Research

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"In view of the growing request by secondary schools to have coding workshop and support, CityU Apps Lab (CAL), as one research lab in EE department, provides different courses and programs for schools to form coding teams and promote coding culture. Instead of individual management with schools, CAL provided education package and education consultancy in the first half year of 2016. Funded by Office of Provost in CityU, university student helpers were arranged for school tuition. The helpers offered interesting workshops and activities for students to explore the fun and learn the skills in computer science, technology and project engagement. Further extending the support, we would offer CityU Coding Education Ambassador Outreach (CEAO) in 2016/17.Initiated by CityU Apps Lab (CAL) and EE Department since 2015 summer, there is the Ambassador School Program (ASP). ASP aims to provide support to ambassador secondary schools and primary schools by forming an environment conducive for coding and IT education. The program connects a partner secondary school with one primary school through the theme of future development, forming a cluster that helps effective knowledge transfer. University students under CAL will be assigned to facilitate coding workshop and coding groups in ambassador schools. Students will benefit from the workshop materials, meanwhile improving their problem solving skills and innovation awareness. The close relationship among CAL and ambassador schools enables effective teaching materials to be prepared according to different levels and aspects so as to improve the students’ learning experience. This eventually enhances the promotion of coding culture throughout all ages, typically in primary and secondary schools.CEAO is intended to expose to a large number of local students (approximately 3000) to learn coding and its benefits, as well as to disseminate the practice of coding education across partner universities. To achieve this, the following efforts will be undertaken: (1) Provision of teaching support resources for course adopters, intended to enable them to adopt coding education without significant additional effort. ?(2) Development and documentation of a pedagogy for coding education for secondary schools, which will be shared across partner institutions (as well as other interested Hong Kong institutions). CEAO methods and interaction strategies will be used as well-documented and repeatable case studies and templates for effective coding education and learning in a range of cross-disciplinary subject areas that use a variety of emergent platforms and technologies. ?(3) Support for debugging in class, provided by teaching tutors who specializes in improving project building. ?(4) Widespread ability to explore coding education through a non-credit Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) offered by the project. The CEAO project will develop one course with multiple levels in MOOC format, allowing it to reach a much wider audience than normal courses. ?(5) Set-up of development teams to create reusable learning kit assets at multiple partner sites. (6) Assessment of learning outcomes. ?"


Project number6980128
Grant typeTLF
Effective start/end date31/10/1631/01/18