AppsLab: DIY-Programming for the CityU Information Day 2013

Project: Research

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This project seeks to provide a hand-on learning experience to the prospective high school students visiting CityU on the information day 2013. A Discovery-enriched mobile system,iLearnt, meaning the student has really learned and understood the teaching materials in class, has been previously developed. During this workshop, the students will be able to learn how to 1) compile the program, 2) transfer the app to the mobile device, 3) how to make one or two modification to the program and see the effect instantly. The initial phase ofiLearnthas targeted University students to improve their learning experience, during this phase we will target the high school student and collect their feedbacks. From the point of view of students, they may have many questions during the lecture, such as“I have a question, I don’t understand”, usually these questions cannot be captured during the class especially when a teacher has to manage a large group of students. On the other hand, a teacher may have this question“Am I teaching too fast?”. This is an effective approach that can facilitate real-time statistical capturing the feedback from students. CityU Apps Lab will provide: 1) the workshop materials, and 2) the program of iLearnt. With the use of latest mobile technology, we are able to promote CityU via this interactive learning experience.


Project number6980105
Grant typeTLF
Effective start/end date1/07/138/05/14