An Investigation into the Preparation of Future Faculty for Publishing in International Journals
Project: Research
- Becky KWAN (Principal Investigator / Project Coordinator)Department of English
- John FLOWERDEW (Co-Principal Investigator)Department of English
- Icy LEE (Co-Investigator)
The study will review the contents and forms of training in research publication (TIRP) provided for local doctoral students and determine if students aspiring to an academic career are prepared for publishing in international journals in future faculty positions. Adopting a multi-method approach, the study will take place in two stages. Stage 1 involves mainly interviews with students and supervisors to collect qualitative data relating to specific concerns and issues associated with the provision of TIRP offered by doctoral programmes at the seven universities. Drawing data collected in the interviews, Stage 2 involves a large-scale questionnaire survey to investigate in statistical terms the views of students and supervisors regarding existing TIRP.Detail(s)
Project number | 7002063 |
Grant type | SRG |
Status | Finished |
Effective start/end date | 1/04/07 → 4/03/10 |