A Collaborative Forum for the Enhancement of Social Work Practicum Education in Hong Kong

Project: Research

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"This project proposes developing systematic, sector-wide professional development opportunities to help faculty members become more aware of, and receive training in, the theories and practices of EAC. This would become more aware of, and receive training in, the theories and practices of EAC. This would include professional development in (i) ways of enhancing students’ language performance in content subjects, (ii) ways of integrating content and language into discipline subjects, (iii) strategies and techniques for introducing and developing an EAC approach in teaching and assessment, (iv) opportunities for practicing and reflecting in EAC in classrooms, and (v) sharing of experiences and insights for further improvement. The professional development activities organized through the project will be open to all participating institutions, and the teaching and learning materials developed through the project will be shared among different institutions in order to achieve tertiary sector-wide impact. Project Keywords: "


Project number6390000
Grant typeTLF(UGC)
Effective start/end date1/09/141/05/16