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  1. 1993
  2. Research Tuition Scholarship

      LEE, W. F.

    • 1 Jul 1993
    • Prize / Honour: Prizes and awards (RGC: 64B)64B_Prizes and awards

  3. International Monitor Awards 93

      BENAYOUN, M.

    • Jul 1993
    • Prize / Honour: Prizes and awards (RGC: 64B)64B_Prizes and awards

  4. 1993 Junior Faculty Research Excellence Award: Cullen College of Engineering, University of Houston

      CHEN, G.

    • 1993
    • Prize / Honour: Prizes and awards (RGC: 64B)64B_Prizes and awards

  5. 1st Prize, Imagina 93 Monte-Carlo

      BENAYOUN, M.

    • 1993
    • Prize / Honour: Prizes and awards (RGC: 64B)64B_Prizes and awards

  6. 3rd Prize, Imagina 93 Monte-Carlo

      BENAYOUN, M.

    • 1993
    • Prize / Honour: Prizes and awards (RGC: 64B)64B_Prizes and awards

  7. Award for Technical Innovation in Industrial Engineering, USA

      KUO, W.

    • 1993
    • Prize / Honour: Prizes and awards (RGC: 64B)64B_Prizes and awards

  8. Education Prize at the University of Wolverhampton

      LEUNG, M. Y.

    • 1993
    • Prize / Honour: Prizes and awards (RGC: 64B)64B_Prizes and awards

  9. Fellow, American Society for Quality, USA

      KUO, W.

    • 1993
    • Prize / Honour: Prizes and awards (RGC: 64B)Other distinction

  10. Fellow, Royal Institute of Public Health, UK (FRIPH)

      YU, K. N. P.

    • 1993
    • Prize / Honour: Prizes and awards (RGC: 64B)64B_Prizes and awards

  11. Intel Visiting Faculty Award

      CHAN, C. H.

    • 1993
    • Prize / Honour: Prizes and awards (RGC: 64B)64B_Prizes and awards

  12. 1992
  13. Official Selection, 5éme Festival du film par ordinateur

      BENAYOUN, M.

    • May 1992
    • Prize / Honour: Prizes and awards (RGC: 64B)Other distinction

  14. Fellow, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, USA

      KUO, W.

    • 1992
    • Prize / Honour: Prizes and awards (RGC: 64B)Other distinction

  15. Villa Medicis Hors les Murs Award

      BENAYOUN, M.

    • 1992
    • Prize / Honour: Prizes and awards (RGC: 64B)64B_Prizes and awards

  16. 1991
  17. “Troisième dimension” Award (3rd Dimension)

      BENAYOUN, M.

    • Nov 1991
    • Prize / Honour: Prizes and awards (RGC: 64B)64B_Prizes and awards

  18. Best Scenario Award, Paris Cité 91

      BENAYOUN, M.

    • Oct 1991
    • Prize / Honour: Prizes and awards (RGC: 64B)64B_Prizes and awards

  19. Official Selection, Images du futur

      BENAYOUN, M.

    • Sept 1991
    • Prize / Honour: Prizes and awards (RGC: 64B)Other distinction

  20. 1st Prize, Truevision Videographic

      BENAYOUN, M.

    • 1991
    • Prize / Honour: Prizes and awards (RGC: 64B)64B_Prizes and awards

  21. Fellow, Institute of Industrial Engineers, USA

      KUO, W.

    • 1991
    • Prize / Honour: Prizes and awards (RGC: 64B)Other distinction

  22. Honorary Mention, Ars Electronica Linz

      BENAYOUN, M.

    • 1991
    • Prize / Honour: Prizes and awards (RGC: 64B)Other distinction