Prof. ZENG Zhiyuan (曾志远)
28 CityU scholars are listed among the world's Highly Cited Researchers; CityU ranked 1st in terms of proportion in Hong Kong
LOU, D. X. W., ZHANG, H., CHU, P. K. H., FAN, Z., HE, J.-H., HO, W. C. D., LEE, C. S., LIANG, G., NG, Y. H., REN, Y., ROGACH, A., TSUI, K. L., ZENG, X., ZENG, Z., ZHU, Z., CHEN, G., FENG, G. G., WANG, J., JEN, A., YIP, H. L., ZHI, C., LIU, B., ZHANG, Q., ZHANG, Q. & LU, Y.
1 item of Media coverage
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CityU researchers invented a novel device enabling high-resolution observation of liquid phase dynamic processes at nanoscale
1 item of Media coverage
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An efficient electrochemical intercalation method for high-yield production of TMD nanosheets
1 item of Media coverage
Press/Media: Press / Media
Eight MSE faculty members have been named the Highly Cited Researchers 2020
CHU, P. K. H., JEN, A., ROGACH, A., ZHANG, H., ZHANG, Q., ZHI, C., HE, J.-H. & ZENG, Z.
1 item of Media coverage
Press/Media: Press / Media
Berkeley Lab News & Highlights (Visualization of Electrode-Electrolyte Interfaces in LiPF6/EC/DEC Electrolyte for Lithium Ion Batteries via In-Situ TEM)
1 Media contribution
Press/Media: Press / Media
Graphene and friends: A new method to make 2D materials
1 Media contribution
Press/Media: Press / Media