Dr. PENG Yujie (彭玉杰)
Patents (CityU)
- 2021
- Published
Method And Composition for Treating Epilepsy
HE, J. (Inventor), LI, X. (Inventor), TAN, A. (Inventor), PENG, Y. (Inventor), XU, S. (Inventor), YANG, Y. (Inventor) & ZHANG, X. (Inventor) & 1 others, , 5 Jan 2021, Patent No. US10,881,667, Priority No. 16/174,842Research output: Patents, Agreements and Assignments › RGC 51 - Patents (CityU)
- 2019
- Accepted/In press/Filed
Method and composition for treating epilepsy
HE, J. (Inventor), LI, X. (Inventor), TAN, A. (Inventor), PENG, Y. (Inventor), XU, S. (Inventor), YANG, Y. (Inventor) & ZHANG, X. (Inventor) & 1 others, , 16 Oct 2019, (Accepted/In press/Filed) Priority No. PCT/CN2019/111446Research output: Patents, Agreements and Assignments › RGC 51 - Patents (CityU)
- Accepted/In press/Filed
HE, J. (Inventor), LI, X. (Inventor), TAN, A. (Inventor), PENG, Y. (Inventor), XU, S. (Inventor), YANG, Y. (Inventor) & ZHANG, X. (Inventor) & 1 others, , 16 Oct 2019, (Accepted/In press/Filed) Priority No. 201980071924.1Research output: Patents, Agreements and Assignments › RGC 51 - Patents (CityU)