Prof. YU Yimin (虞義敏)

PhD - Industrial Engineering (University of Minnesota) 
BS - Automatic Control (University of Science and Technology of China) 

Visiting address
Phone: +852 34424781

Author IDs

Willing to take PhD students: yes


Yimin Yu received his Ph.D. degree from University of Minnesota, Twin Cities and Bachelor of Science degree from University of Science and Technology of China. His research focuses on supply chain management, the interfaces of operations and marketing. This includes topics on optimal design of inventory-production systems and the analysis of emerging operations/supply chain strategies. His current research projects explore how learning affects business strategies.

Research Interests/Areas

  • Inventory Models
  • Emerging Supply Chain Strategies
  • The Interface of Operations Management and Marketing
  • Behavior Models


  • Finalist, INFORMS JFIG paper competition - INFORMS
  • IIE Pritsker Doctoral Dissertation Award - IIE


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