Prof. JIA Xiaohua (賈小華)
BSc MEng UST of China, DSc Tokyo, FIEEE
- Chair Professor, Department of Computer Science
Xiaohua Jia received his BSc (1984) and MEng (1987) from University of Science and Technology of China, and DSc (1991) in Information Science from University of Tokyo. He is currently Chair Professor with Dept of Computer Science at City University of Hong Kong. His research interests include cloud computing and distributed systems, data security and privacy, computer networks and mobile computing. Prof. Jia is an editor of IEEE Trans. on Computers (2021 – present), IEEE Internet of Things (2013-2018), IEEE Trans. on Parallel and Distributed Systems (2006-2009), Journal of World Wide Web, Journal of Combinatorial Optimization, etc. He is the General Chair of ACM MobiHoc 2008, TPC Co-Chair of IEEE GlobeCom 2010 – Ad Hoc and Sensor Networking Symp, Area-Chair of IEEE INFOCOM 2015-2017, Track-Chair of IEEE ICDCS 2019, and General Chair of ACM ICN 2019. He is a Fellow of IEEE (Computer Society) and Distinguished Member of ACM.
Conference Organizing
- Co-Chair of Local Organization, ACM SIGCOMM 2013, Hong Kong
- General Chair, The Third International Workshop on Security and Privacy in Cloud Computing , in conjunction with IEEE ICDCS, Macau, Jun 2012
- Co-Chair, The First International Workshop on Internet of Things: Smart Objects and Services, in conjunction with IEEE WoWMoM, SFO, USA, Jun 2012
- TPC Co-Chair, Wireless Ad Hoc and Sensor Netwroks Symposium, ICNC 2012, Hawaii, Jan-Feb 2012 Panel Co-Chair, IEEE INFOCOM 2011
- TPC Co-Chair, IEEE GLOBECOM 2010 - Ad-hoc and Sensor Networking Symposium, Hawaii, 2010
- TPC Area-Chair, IEEE INFOCOM 2010
- TPC Co-Chair, IEEE MASS 2009 , Macau, 5 - 8 Oct 2009
- General Chair, ACM MobiHoc'08, Hong Kong, 26 - 30 May 2008
Editor or Editorial Membership
- Editor on board of IEEE Trans on Parallel and Distributed Systems (2006-2009)
- Editor on board of Wireless Networks (WiNet)
- Editor on board of World Wide Web: Internet and Web Information Systems
- Editor on board of Journal of Combinatorial Optimization
- Editor on board of International Journal of Wireless and Mobile Computing (IJWMC)
- Editor on board of International Journal of Sensor Networks (IJSNet)
Research Interests/Areas
- Data Privacy and Security, and Blockchain Technologies
- Cloud Computing and Web Technologies
- Distributed Systems, Networking, and Mobile Computing
Ongoing research projects
- Algorithmatic Issues of Using Compressive Sensing in Wireless Sensor Networks, NSF China, Jan 2012 - Dec 2015.
- Minimal Cost Deployment of Multi-radio and Multi-rate Wireless Mesh Networks with QoS Requirements in Indoor Environment, HK RGC, Jan 11 - Dec 13.
- Low Latency Data Dissemination, Aggregation and Collection in Multi-Radio and Multi-Channel Wireless Sensor Networks, NSF China, Jan 2010 - Dec 2012.
- Max-Lifetime Sleep Scheduling for Surveillance Applications of Wireless Sensor Networks, HK RGC, Jan 08 - Dec 10.
- Minimum Latency Communication Schedules for Information Dissemination and Aggregation in Wireless Ad Hoc and Sensor Networks, HK RGC, Jan 07 - Dec 09.
- Energy Efficient Query Dissemination and Real-time Data Aggregation in Wireless Sensor Networks, HK RGC, Jan 06 - Dec 07.
- Virtual Backbone Construction in Multihop Ad Hoc Wireless Networks, HK RGC, Jan 05 - Dec 06.
Below displays the top Fingerprint concepts, per subject area for this Expert. Fingerprint concepts that appear on this page are based on all the research output produced by this Expert.