Dr. CHOW Wing Yin (周詠姸)
D.Phil. (University of Oxford)
M.Phil. (CUHK)
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My main research interest lies in the field of developmental psychology, with an emphasis on language and literacy acquisition and psychological well-being in students. I have examined their development through various levels, taking special account of factors including genetic contribution (with twin designs), parenting (with family studies), and underlying mechanisms (with correlational research studying the concurrent and longitudinal links).
Award and Achievement
2015 “New Reseacher Award” College of Liberal Arts and Social Sciences, City University of Hong Kong.
2011 “The United Kingdom Literacy Association/ Wiley-Blackwell Research in Literacy Education Award” The United Kingdom Literacy Association.
Research Interests/Areas
My main research interest lies in the field of developmental psychology, with an emphasis on language and literacy .... Please refer to my personal website for details.
Services outside CityU
Professional Activity
- 2015 - Now, Associate Editor, Journal of Research in Reading.
- 2015 - Now, Consulting Editor, Child Development.
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