Prof. CHIANG Wei Yu Kevin (江偉裕)


  1. DON_RMG: Optimal Product Line Design with Contextual and Temporal Price-Quality Effects - RMGS

    CHIANG, W. Y. K. (Principal Investigator / Project Coordinator)


    Project: Research

  2. GRF: Managing Product Differentiation and Cannibalization with Con-Textual and Temporal Price-Quality Effects

    CHIANG, W. Y. K. (Principal Investigator / Project Coordinator)


    Project: Research

  3. GRF: Strategic Intertemporal Pricing with Heterogeneous Risk Attitudes for Efficient Product Evaluation, Learning, and Adoption

    CHIANG, W. Y. K. (Principal Investigator / Project Coordinator) & WEI, L. (Co-Investigator)


    Project: Research

  4. SRG: Inter-Firm Relationships in Supply Chain Collaboration Initiatives

    CHIANG, W. Y. K. (Principal Investigator / Project Coordinator)


    Project: Research

  5. ITF(CityU): Use-IT-Easy: A Low Cost, High Performance Mobile RFID Platform (CityU matching fund)

    LIM, L. C. A. (Principal Investigator / Project Coordinator), CHIANG, W. Y. K. (Co-Investigator) & LI, Y. D. (Co-Investigator)


    Project: Research