Ms. HUANG Wei (黃蔚)

Visiting address
Phone: +852 34428633

Author IDs


Ms HUANG Wei is research student in the Media and Communicaiton Department at CityU. She also teaches bachelor students journalism course(s).

Her academic interests fall in journalism, social media and mediated public diplomacy practices.

Besides research, she has a keen interest in teaching journalism courses. This love stems from her past experiences as a reporter in Hong Kong.

Prior in joining the university, she was a veteran journalist in Hong Kong. She has worked in both Chinese and English media newsrooms and written extensive stories for more than a decade, including several exclusives and investigative stories that grabbed the world's attention.


COM 4204: News Feature Writing

Past teaching experiences:

COM 2201: News Writing and Reporting
COM 2202: Writing for the Media


Research Interests/Areas

  • Journalism
  • Social Media
  • Social support network
  • Propaganda
  • Public relations


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