- 2019
Best oral presentation
- 26 Jun 2019
Prize / Honour: Prizes and awards (RGC: 64B) › 64B_Prizes and awards
The Marine Pollution Bulletin Award for The Best Student Oral Presentation
- 14 Jun 2019
Prize / Honour: Prizes and awards (RGC: 64B) › 64B_Prizes and awards
Best Paper Award - Second Prize
- 12 Mar 2019
Prize / Honour: Prizes and awards (RGC: 64B) › 64B_Prizes and awards
- 2017
Chow Yei Ching School of Graduate Studies Entrance Scholarships
- 1 Sept 2017
Prize / Honour: Prizes and awards (RGC: 64B) › 64B_Prizes and awards