Mr. WONG Wai Man Raymond (王煒文)
Asso (Bldg Technology and Mgt), MSc (ConstMgt), MCIOB, MHKICM, MHKIE
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Mr Wong was appointed as 1. Technical consultant for construction technoloyg by the China Trend Building Press (January 1998 to present); 2. Consultant and Information Provider by Edenbiz Limited for the development of a web-based construction portal (from April 2000 to December 2000); 3. Expert witness by Burke & Company Solicitors for a construction accident claim (November 2000) and 4. Project Manager by the Single Parents Association for the development of a career center in West Kowloon. (March 2002 to November 2002).Mr Wong has 10 years experience in the study of large-scaled building and infrastructure development projects in Hong Kong. His expertise areas include the application of techniques in the construction of complex structures such as super high-rise buildings, long-span structure, structural steel and compositie structures, industrialized construction systems, construction of bridges, railway, tunnels and marine works etc. A photo archive has been developed, which documented the construction of most of the major building and infrastructure projects in recent Hong Kong with more than 80000 photos.
Research Interests/Areas
- Expert Witness in Construction Safety
- Infrastructure Development in Hong Kong
- Infrastructure Development in Mainland China
- Construction of Super High-rise Buildings
- Studies on Advanced Building and Civil Technology
Below displays the top Fingerprint concepts, per subject area for this Expert. Fingerprint concepts that appear on this page are based on all the research output produced by this Expert.