Prof. LO Tit Wing (盧鐵榮)
Doctor of Philosophy (Criminology), University of Cambridge (1991)
Master of Philosophy (Criminology & Social Work), University of Hull (1984)
Grad. Diploma in Social Administration, University of Hull (1980)
Cert. Social Work, ISWT (1976)
Registered Social Worker, Hong Kong
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Professor T Wing Lo is Associate Vice-President (Student Affairs) of City University of Hong Kong. He joined City Polytechnic of Hong Kong as a senior lecturer in 1990, and has been professor at the Department of Social and Behavioural Sciences (formerly Department of Applied Social Sciences), City University of Hong Kong since 2005. He obtained his MPhil (social work) from the University of Hull in 1984 and PhD (criminology) from the University of Cambridge in 1991. Being the winner of CityU's Applied Research Excellence Award (Certificate of Merit) 2002, Teaching Excellence Award 2007, and CLASS Excellence in Knowledge Transfer Award 2019, he has excelled in teaching, research and knowledge transfer. In recent years, he has developed and practised Action Therapy in individual and group counselling.
Before joining the academia, Professor Lo had worked as an outreach social worker in Caritas-Hong Kong for 17 years, where he worked with youth gang members of Chinese triad societies on street corners. Being a renowned triad expert and scholar, he had been invited to give keynote speeches or talks in conferences and seminars organized by institutions in the US, UK, South America, Europe, Asia and Australia. For instance, in 2010, he was invited to visit New York to address the United Nations delegates who attended the Palermo Convention Against Transnational Organized Crime; in 2012, he presented keynote speech at the Universidad del Rosario in Columbia; in 2015, he addressed officials of the US Department of Defence in Washington DC, in topics related to Asian organised crime and anti-corruption. He had also served as a Visiting Fellow in the Australian Research Council Centre of Excellence in Policing and Security based at Australian National University and Griffith University, and Honorary Senior Fellow in the Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Hull, England.
He has published numerous journal papers, research monographs, conference proceedings, books and book chapters in criminology, social work and counselling. Over the last two decades, he has led thirty research projects; many of them were large-scale policy research or blueprint studies commissioned by the governments of Hong Kong, Macau, and Singapore. In particular, he has assisted in setting up outreach social work service for at-risk youth in Singapore and Macau, and advised government departments in Hong Kong, Macau, Guangzhou and Singapore in issues and services related to youth justice and youth crime prevention.
He is a member of the International Advisory Board of the British Journal of Criminology, editorial board member of Youth Justice, Asian Journal of Criminology, British Journal of Community Justice, China Journal of Social Work, British Journal of Education, Society and Behavioural Science, European Review of Organized Crime, and founding editor of the Routledge Studies in Asian Behavioral Sciences, as well as founding associate editor of the International Journal of Criminology and Sociology. He was a member of the Humanities and Social Sciences Panel, Research Grant Council and a Hong Kong nominated member to Technical Committee 223 - Societal Security of ISO.
Professor Lo has been active in community affairs. He was appointed by the Chief Executive of Hong Kong to serve in the ICAC Citizens Advisory Committee on Community Relations, Post-Release Supervision Board, and Task Force on Continuing Development and Employment-related Training for Youth. He was also an external academic assessor of the Hong Kong Police College, member of the Advisory Committee on Social Work Training and Manpower Planning, and the Action Committee Against Narcotics. He has/had also served as an advisor, board or committee member of a number of NGOs, such as Hong Kong Playground Association, Hong Kong Federation of Youth Groups, and YMCA. Currently, he is the Chairman of Social Work Services, Caritas-Hong Kong.
盧鐵榮教授現為香港城市大學協理副校長(學生事務)及社會及行為科學系教授。他於1972年加入香港明愛為青少年服務社工,分別担任WW、SWA、 SSWA、 ASWO、 SWO等前線及行政職位十多年。1974年他往社會工作訓練學院進修,並担任學生會會長的工作,在一群優秀老師如周永新、朱楊珀瑜等的啓蒙下,以優異成績完成社會工作證書課程。他在1979年前往英國Hull大學進修社會行政文憑及社會工作研究碩士學位,1986年往劍橋大學進修犯罪學博士學位。畢業後他在1990年加入香港城市大學為高級講師,從事社會工作教育,並於2005年出任教授一職。他在城大成立了青年研究室,為香港、澳門及新加坡政府進行了多項重要的政策或藍圖研究,對三地青少年服務發展具極深遠的影響,因此在2002年獲香港城市大學頒發傑出研究獎。近年他創立行動輔導學,並因此獲香港城市大學2007年傑出教學獎。盧鐵榮教授為澳門特區制定十年康復服務藍圖計劃,因而在2019年獲得城大人文社會科學院頒發傑出知識轉移獎。
盧鐵榮教授是世界著名的黑社會犯罪專家, 經常被邀請到世界各地演說,例如2010年10月到紐約向出席聯合國Palermo Convention Against Transnational Organized Crime 的國家代表演講; 2012年10月到南美哥倫比亞Universidad del Rosario演說; 2015年5月到華盛頓為美國國防部訓練官員,講解亞洲的有組織犯罪及反貪汙情況。盧鐵榮教授的著作很多,也曾在不同的國際期刊擔任編輯、編委會委員或國際顧問,也曾在不同的政府及非政府組織擔任顧問或委員。 盧教授現擔任香港明愛社會工作服務主席。
Previous Experience
- 2013 - 2020, Head, Department of Social and Behavioural Sciences
- 2005 - Now, Professor, City University of Hong Kong.
- 1993 - 2005, University Senior Lecturer/Associate Professor (Scale A), City University of Hong Kong.
- 1990 - 1993, Senior Lecturer, City Polytechnic of Hong Kong.
- 1972 - 1989, Social Worker (WW, SWA, SSWA, ASWO, SWO) in Youth and Community Services, Caritas- Hong Kong.
- Founder & Trainer, Action Therapy
- Chair, Youth Studies Net
Research Interests/Areas
- Chinese Organised Crime, Triad Societies & Anti-Corruption
- Youth Justice & Offenders' Rehabilitation
- Group Counselling & Action Therapy
- Outreach Social Work & Working with Youth-at-risk
- 2013 - 2015, Bachelor of Social Sciences in Criminology, Organized Crime.
- 2005 - 2021, Master of Social Sciences in Counselling, Group Counselling and Therapy.
- 1993 - Now, PhD Programme, Group Counselling Research.
- 1993 - Now, PhD Programme, Triad and Crime Research.
- 1993 - Now, PhD Programme, Youth and Delinquency Research.
- 1990 - 2018, Bachelor of Arts in Social Work, Group Counselling.
Research / Thesis Supervision
- 2017 - 2020, PhD, Samantha Burns "Exploring Transformative Participation Constraints in Practices of Co-production with Social Workers and Young People in Hong Kong".
- 2015 - 2020, PhD, Gabriel Li "De-Triadization through a Protestant Intervention".
- 2015 - 2019, PhD, Xiaoye Zhang "Drama Workshop and Performance Making in a Chinese Prison".
- 2014 - 2018, PhD, Cora Y.T. Hui "Securitizing the Umbrella Movement: Audience Acceptance and Defiance".
- 2013 - 2017, PhD, Sharon Ingrid Kwok "Triad Society in Hong Kong: The Hierarchical Approach and Criminal's Collaborations".
- 2012 - 2017, PhD, Chris Y.W. Kong "Open up the Vault of Black Box and Beyond: An Evaluative Study of Sports-based Life Skills Activities for Socially Vulnerable Youth: Implementation, Processes and Effectiveness".
- 2011 - 2017, PhD, Daniel P. Garrett "China's Securitization of Hong Kong, Hongkongers and One Country Two Systems: Enemy Images, Moral Panic and Political Warfare".
- 2010 - 2017, PhD, Eric C.K. So "The Social Capital of Young Drug Users-Dealers Amid the Changing Drug Market in Hong Kong".
- 2011 - 2015, PhD, Wing Yee Ho "Mirror Effects: The Experience of Using Psychodrama in the Teaching and Learning of Counselling.
- 2010 - 2013, PhD, Diego Busiol "Is Psychoanalysis Missing from Counselling in Hong Kong?"
- 2010 - 2014, PhD, Li Li "The Problem of Corruption in Post-1997 Hong Kong: A Social Censure Perspective" .
- 2010 - 2014, PhD, Zhanguo Liu "Crimes in a Village-in-City: The Case Study of Tang Village in Shenzhen".
- 2009 - 2013, PhD, Hong Yee Chan "Hidden Youth in Hong Kong: A Social Censure Perspective".
- 2004 - 2008, PhD, Guoping Jiang "Status of Law and Corruption Control on Post-Reform China".
- 2000 - 2007, PhD, Jessica Li "The Decision Making of Juvenile Thieves in Hong Kong".
- 1995 - 1998, MPhil, Kam-fai Yu "The Structure and Subculture of Triad Societies in Hong Kong".
- 1995 - 1999, MPhil, Louis Wing-Cheung Mak "Subcultural Influences and Correction in a Detention Centre".
- 1995 - 1999, MPhil, Sheryln Chia "Working with Youth: A Holistic Approach".
- 1993 - 1997, MPhil, Keung Lam "The Differences between the Formation and Goal-oriented Interaction Stages Among Social Youth Groups in Hong Kong: An Exploratory Study".
Services in CityU
- 2021 - now, Associate Vice-President (Student Affairs).
- 2013 - 2020, Head, Department of Social and Behavioural Scienes.
- 2013 - 2020, Member, Senate, City University of Hong Kong.
- 2013 - 2020, Member, Court, City University of Hong Kong
- 2011 - 2012, Programme Leader, BSSc Criminology, Department of Applied Social Studies.
- 2009 - 2013, Member, Graduate Studies Committee, College of Liberal Arts & Social Sciences.
- 2009 - 2013, Research Degree Coordinator, Department of Applied Social Studies.
- 2007 - 2013, Member, Research Committee, College of Liberal Arts & Social Sciences.
- 2000 - 2011, Programme Leader, BA Social Work, Department of Applied Social Studies.
Services outside CityU
Public Service
- 2013 - 2015, Member, Advisory Committee on Social Work Training and Manpower Planning, Hong Kong Government.
- 2010 - 2015, Member, Humanities and Social Sciences Panel, University Grants Committee, .
- 2006 - 2008, Member, Task Force on Continuing Development and Employment-related Training, Hong Kong Government.
- 2005 - 2006, Member, Research and Expert Committee, Task Force on Continuing Development and Employment-related Training for Youth, Education and Manpower Bureau.
- 1999 - 2005, Member, Post-Release Supervision Board, Hong Kong Government.
- 1997 - 2002, Member, Committee on Treatment and Rehabilitation, Action Committee Against Narcotics.
- 1994 - 2000, Member, Citizens Advisory Committee on Community Relations, ICAC.
Professional Activity
- 2017 - Now, Chair, Advisory Committee, Department of Social Work, Shue Yan University.
- 2015 - Now, Editorial Board Member, British Journal of Education, Society & Behavioral Science.
- 2014 - Now, Editorial Board Member, China Journal of Social Work.
- 2014 - Now, Founding General Editor, Routledge Studies in Asian Behavioral Sciences.
- 2013 - Now, Member, Advisory Committee, School of Social Sciences, Caritas Institute of Higher Education.
- 2013 - Now, Editorial Board Member , European Review of Organized Crime.
- 2013 - Now, Founder and Editor-in-Chief, Social Work and Counselling Series, City University of Hong Kong Press.
- 2013 - Now, Member, International Advisory Board, British Journal of Criminology.
- 2012 - 2017, Founding Associate Editor, International Journal of Criminology and Sociology.
- 2011 - 2020, Associate Partner, Doctorate in Cultural and Global Criminology, University of Utrecht, University of Kent, University of Budapest & University of Hamburg .
- 2011 - Now, Member, Editorial Board, Youth Justice: An International Journal.
- 2009 - Now, Member, Editorial Board, British Journal of Community Justice.
- 2009 - Now, Member, Editorial Board, Asian Journal of Criminology .
- 2006 - 2015, Hong Kong nominated member, TC 223 Societal Security, ISO.
- 2005 - Now, Founder and Editor-in-Chief, Caring for Youth Series, City University of Hong Kong Press.
- 2005 - 2007, Member, International Board of Advisors, Marshall Cavendish Academic.
- 2004 - 2010, Member, Editorial Board, Crime Media Culture: An International Journal .
Community Service
- 2017- Now, Chairman, Social Work Services, Caritas-Hong Kong.
- 2017 - Now, Member, Board of Management, Caritas- Hong Kong.
- 2017 - Now, Member, Council, Caritas - Hong Kong.
- 2002 - 2017, Member, Social Work Committee, Caritas-Hong Kong .
- 1993 - Now, Member, Executive Committee, Hong Kong Playground Association.
- 1993 - 2010, Member, Research Committee, Youth Service Committee, Hong Kong Federation of Youth Groups.
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