2014 PhD Political Science, York University, Toronto, Canada
[PhD Thesis: The Persistence of American Economic Power in Global Capitalism: From the 1960s into the Twenty-First Century; Supervisor: Leo Panitch]
2008 MA Political Science, York University
[MA Thesis: The End of the Developmental State? Ten Years After the East Asian Financial Crisis]
2004 MA European Studies, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada
[MA Thesis: Back to the Future, or the Past? On the Re-Peripheralization of Central-East Europe]
2002 BA Classical Archaeology and Ancient History (Honours), History (Major), and International Relations (Minor) University of British Columbia
[Honours Thesis: The Collapse of the Mycenaean Empire]
Services in CityU
Exchange & Internship Coordinator
Research Affiliate, Center for International Studies, Massachusetts Institute of Technology (Under the Supervision of Noam Chomsky)
Winner of 2015-2019 Hong Kong Research Grants Council's Early Career Scholar Grant ($998,040 -- The largest in CityU's College of Liberal Arts and Social Sciences) for Does Corporate Nationality Still Matter in the Era of Globalization? Investigating Ownership and Power in the Twenty-First Century
Comments from an Anonymous Reviewer: "This proposal is one of the most brilliant proposals I have ever read in the Early Career Scheme proposals. It should be at the top of the list. It is theoretically original and sophisticated yet also practical in terms of the potential applications of the knowledge produced. I have not been this excited by a scholarly project in a long time. The project challenges our tired old common sense assumptions about transnational corporations, the global economy and globalization. The objective to show with solid empirical data whether and to what extent transnational corporations still have a national identity is absolutely vital for not only understanding how the global economy works but also has incredibly important implications for the national policies of numerous countries...I will not at all be surprised if in the near future this young scholar is widely sought out for his analysis and policy recommendations by the leaders of countries around the world."
With a Japanese mother and a British father, having grown up in 5 countries by the time I was 16 (Canada, US, Denmark, Japan, and New Zealand), I am the love-child of globalization. But who drives globalization, who controls it, owns it, benefits from it — and who doesn't benefit from it? Above all, how do we transform it to make it better? These are some of the questions I'm interested in, under the umbrella of critical political economy.
Taking Life Seriously, One Moment at a Time
AIS2200 Intro Inter.Stud.thru Film
AIS5025 Theory in Inter. Studies
AIS5049 International Organizations
Research Interests/Areas
Discipline: International Relations, International Political Economy
World Order & American Hegemony
East Asian Political Economy
Critical Political Economy
Current/Recent Research Projects
American Power & Global Capitalism
Global Production Networks & China
The Nationality of Capital
Non-Peer Reviewed
- Starrs, Sean (July 30, 2015) A Crash With Chinese Characteristics in Jacobin. Available at https://www.jacobinmag.com/2015/07/china-communist-party-market-collapse/
*Radio Interview with Christy Thornton of WBAI New York City based on this article, Aug. 3, 2015. Available at (#5): http://christy-thornton.com/uncategorized/*
*786 Facebook and Twitter shares as of Aug. 19, 2015* - Starrs, Sean (May 13, 2015) The Trans-Pacific Partnership: Making the World Safe for Big Business in Jacobin. Available at: https://www.jacobinmag.com/2015/05/trans-pacific-parternship-china-united-states-asia/
*1,862 Facebook and Twitter shares as of July 1, 2015*
*Translated into Spanish (May 23, 2015) by German Leyens of Tlaxcala: The International Network of Translators for Linguistic Diversity: http://www.tlaxcala-int.org/article.asp?reference=14721 - Starrs, Sean (October 1, 2014) Students Unfurl the "Umbrella Revolution" in Hong Kong in The Bullet, No. 1042. Available at http://www.socialistproject.ca/bullet/1042.php
*Reposted Oct. 7, 2014 by Center for Social Justice Available at http://www.socialjustice.org/community/?f_cat=3*
*Reposted October 4, 2014 on The Real News. Available at http://therealnews.com/t2/component/content/article/390-sean-starrs/2190-students-unfurl-the-umbrella-revolution-in-hong-kong*
*Reposted Oct. 1, 2014 (and edited without my permission) on Links as Eyewitness Hong Kong: The "Umbrella Revolution" Unfurls. Available at http://links.org.au/node/4082* - Starrs, Sean (February 24, 2014) America Didn't Decline. It Went Global in Politico http://www.politico.com/magazine/story/2014/02/america-didnt-decline-it-went-global-103865.html#.U-M0eOOSwkg
*1,661 Social Media Shares (Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn) as of August 7, 2014: From Marc Andreessen to the Major-General of Pakistan*
*Translated into Spanish for Cambio Político (August 15, 2014) as ¿Qué es hoy una potencia nacional? El caso del poder económico de los EEUU*
*Cited in Wikipedia entry of Economy of the United States*
*Tweet by Silicon Valley venture capitalist and Time Magazine World's 100 Most Influential People, Marc Andreessen: "Outstanding Piece in Politico by Sean Starrs*. He then made 12 tweets with 12 quotes from my essay, each of which got extensive debate from some of his more than 70,000 followers (from hedge fund managers to The Wall Street Journal).*
For further citations, please see http://seanstarrs.org/ivory-tower/research/publications/politico - Starrs, Sean (March 26, 2011) Popular Uprising in America's Dairyland? in YU Free Press Vol. 3, No. 3. Available at http://www.yufreepress.org/bodies-of-identity-features/popular-uprising-in-america%E2%80%99s-dairyland/
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