Prof. CHEUNG Sai On (張世安)
- Visiting Professor, Department of Architecture and Civil Engineering
The research interests of Professor Cheung include Law in construction, trust and organizational culture. Building on his industrial experience in contract administration, Professor Cheung has developed research programmes in contract and dispute management. Professor Cheung is the Head of the Construction Dispute Resolution Research Unit (CDRRU) and specialty editor of Contracting of the ASCE Journal of Construction Engineering and Management. Some of the studies conducted by the CDRRU have been published in research monographs - "Trust in Co-operative Contracting in Construction", "Construction Dispute Research: Conceptualisation, Avoidance and Resolution", "The Soft Power of Construction Contracting Organisations" and "Construction Dispute Research Expanded". Professor Cheung is a recipient of the 2010 City University of Hong Kong Teaching Excellence Awards. Prof. Cheung together with Dr. Calvin Keung and Dr. Daisy Yeung received the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors 2022 Quantity Surveying team of the Year (Highly Commended) Award for their sustained professionalism, teamwork and innovation in the planning and delivery of the CityU Surveying programme.
Research Interests/Areas
Construction Dispute management and resolution
Trust and Organizational culture in supply chain management
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