. Postgraduate Certificate in Laws(HKU,2024-2026)
. Master of Clinical Psychology (UK)
. Master of Law,Arbitration and Dispute Resolution(HKU)
. Master of Behavioral Health(HKU)
. Master of Arts,Chinese for Educational Purpose(CityU)
. Bachelor of Laws(BPP,UK)
. Graduate Diploma in Law(GDL) Commendation (BPP,UK)
. Registered Social Worker
. Certified Instructor of Hypnotherapy (The International Medical & Dental Hypnotherapy Association,National Guild of Hypnotists,American Board for Hypnotherapy and NLP,The Professional Board of Hypnotherapy(PBH))
. Certified Instructor of NLP (NFNLP - National Federation of NeuroLinguistic Programming)
. Business Psychologist,Registered member (The Association for Business Psychology,UK)
. Professional member (University of Clinical Health Science,US)
Research Interests/Areas
.Clinical Psychology,Clinical hypnosis, medical hypnosis, Hypnosis,Hypnotherapy,Cantopop,Counselling,Modern China,Spiritual Practise,Martial Art,Late Qing China,NLP
Master's Dissertations
. Efficacy of self-hypnosis in dealing with insomnia among Hong Kong Diploma of Secondary Education Examination (HKDSE) students (The University of Hong Kong, 2017)
. 〈粵語中文歌詞二次創作的興起之因、發展與未來取向〉,〈香港城市大學〉,2016。
. 〈一眼萬年——以西方心理學角度詮釋“莊周夢蝶”以突顯中西方譯夢之異同〉,〈香港城市大學〉,2016。
- “Your Choice” Nano-movie Competition cum “Blazing Spirit” Youth Ambassador Programme,Narcotics Division, Security Bureau 保安局禁毒處,Amount: $1,392,760, 2016-2017
This project aims at raising the anti-drug awareness of young people through a short movie competition. Script-writing and nano-movie making workshops will be arranged and a prize presentation ceremony will be organised. The nano-movies will be broadcast in public venues. Roving exhibitions for dissemination of anti-drug publicity materials and information on drug treatment and rehabilitation services will be organised.
.2024 博士論文︰〈催眠術在中國––晚清時期(1903-1912)的理論、實踐、譯介與小說書寫〉
.2024 《催眠師的前世今生心理學》、《NLP神經語言程式學實務: 人際溝通》、《Big Deal秘技 NLP商業實務》(鴻福堂集團控股有限公司主席兼執行董事、香港餐飲聯業協會有限公司會長謝寶達、諾德保險經紀有限公司副行政總裁蕭錦成專業推介)
.2022 《催眠師的秘技-戀愛心法》(法律界的溝通大師及知名香港大律師清洪專業推介)
.2021 《催眠師的世界:催眠.聯想.異次元》(明文出版社)
.2019 出版書籍︰《酒徒與催眠》、《催眠師的筆記》
. 香港粵語歌詞二次創作的題材與語言藝術初探,(城大文史芻論:香港城市大學中文及歷史學系文學碩士論文集),2017年6月,頁137 - 150。
. 一眼萬年—— 以西方心理學角度詮釋“莊周夢蝶”以突顯中西方譯夢之異同,(香港大學大學海),第3期,2016年,頁16 - 36。
. 《100毛》,(第173期)︰雜誌專訪有關催眠、繪畫心理及解夢
Editor or Editorial Membership
. 香港青年大專協會 - 大學生報幹事會︰文化潮流版編輯(2014年)
. 浮城的故事:西西國際學術研討會講者,發表文章〈西西詩中的「童心」研究︰從西西的《不是文字》談起。〉
. PhD Forum on Global China Studies: How Chinese look on hypnosis? Hypnotic text and cultural milieu in Late Qing China (From 1903 to 1912)
. Departmental Research Seminars: 〈晚清小說與催眠術在中國 — 以1903年至1912年文本談起〉
.Departmental Research Seminars: 〈從1903 – 1912 談晚清催眠術與西方的關係〉
.城市.微觀 : 第五屆全港學界微型小說創作比賽得獎作品集. (嘉許)(2018)
.Sha Tin District Outstanding Youth People Award Scheme (沙田區傑出青年,2011年)
Below displays the top Fingerprint concepts, per subject area for this Expert. Fingerprint concepts that appear on this page are based on all the research output produced by this Expert.
- B Philosophy (General) - hypnosis, hypnotherapy, counselling, chinese hypnosis, hypnosis practice, Late qing china and hypnosis, science fiction