Dr. LEUNG Man Tai Leslie (梁文棣)


Author IDs

Willing to talk to media: yes


.  Postgraduate Certificate in Laws(HKU,2024-2026)
Master of Clinical Psychology (UK)
.  Master of Law,Arbitration and Dispute Resolution(HKU)  
.  Master of Behavioral Health(HKU)  
.  Master of Arts,Chinese for Educational Purpose(CityU)
.  Bachelor of Laws(BPP,UK)
.  Graduate Diploma in Law(GDL) Commendation (BPP,UK)



.  Registered Social Worker
. Certified Instructor of Hypnotherapy (The International Medical & Dental Hypnotherapy Association,National Guild of Hypnotists,American Board for Hypnotherapy and NLP,The Professional Board of Hypnotherapy(PBH))
. Certified Instructor of NLP (NFNLP - National Federation of NeuroLinguistic Programming)
. Business Psychologist,Registered member (The Association for Business Psychology,UK)
. Professional member (University of Clinical Health Science,US)


Research Interests/Areas

.Clinical Psychology,Clinical hypnosis, medical hypnosis, Hypnosis,Hypnotherapy,Cantopop,Counselling,Modern China,Spiritual Practise,Martial Art,Late Qing China,NLP

Master's Dissertations

. Efficacy of self-hypnosis in dealing with insomnia among Hong Kong Diploma of Secondary Education Examination (HKDSE) students (The University of Hong Kong, 2017)
. 〈粵語中文歌詞二次創作的興起之因、發展與未來取向〉,〈香港城市大學〉,2016。
. 〈一眼萬年——以西方心理學角度詮釋“莊周夢蝶”以突顯中西方譯夢之異同〉,〈香港城市大學〉,2016。



  • “Your Choice” Nano-movie Competition cum “Blazing Spirit” Youth Ambassador Programme,Narcotics Division, Security Bureau 保安局禁毒處,Amount: $1,392,760, 2016-2017

    This project aims at raising the anti-drug awareness of young people through a short movie competition. Script-writing and nano-movie making workshops will be arranged and a prize presentation ceremony will be organised. The nano-movies will be broadcast in public venues. Roving exhibitions for dissemination of anti-drug publicity materials and information on drug treatment and rehabilitation services will be organised.


.2024 博士論文︰〈催眠術在中國––晚清時期(1903-1912)的理論、實踐、譯介與小說書寫〉
.2024  《催眠師的前世今生心理學》、《NLP神經語言程式學實務: 人際溝通》、《Big Deal秘技 NLP商業實務》(鴻福堂集團控股有限公司主席兼執行董事、香港餐飲聯業協會有限公司會長謝寶達、諾德保險經紀有限公司副行政總裁蕭錦成專業推介)
.2022   《催眠師的秘技-戀愛心法》(法律界的溝通大師及知名香港大律師清洪專業推介)
.2021 《催眠師的世界:催眠.聯想.異次元》(明文出版社)
2019 出版書籍︰《酒徒與催眠》、《催眠師的筆記》 
. 香港粵語歌詞二次創作的題材與語言藝術初探,(城大文史芻論:香港城市大學中文及歷史學系文學碩士論文集),2017年6月,頁137 - 150。
. 一眼萬年—— 以西方心理學角度詮釋“莊周夢蝶”以突顯中西方譯夢之異同,(香港大學大學海),第3期,2016年,頁16 - 36。
. 《100毛》,(第173期)︰雜誌專訪​有關催眠、繪畫心理及解夢

Editor or Editorial Membership

. 香港青年大專協會 -  大學生報幹事會︰文化潮流版編輯(2014年)


. 浮城的故事:西西國際學術研討會講者,發表文章〈西西詩中的「童心」研究︰從西西的《不是文字》談起。〉
. PhD Forum on Global China Studies: How Chinese look on hypnosis? Hypnotic text and cultural milieu in Late Qing China (From 1903 to 1912)
. Departmental Research Seminars: 〈晚清小說與催眠術在中國 — 以1903年至1912年文本談起〉
.Departmental Research Seminars: 〈從1903 – 1912 談晚清催眠術與西方的關係〉


.城市.微觀 : 第五屆全港學界微型小說創作比賽得獎作品集. (嘉許)(2018)
.Sha Tin District Outstanding Youth People Award Scheme (沙田區傑出青年,2011年)




  • B Philosophy (General) - hypnosis, hypnotherapy, counselling, chinese hypnosis, hypnosis practice, Late qing china and hypnosis, science fiction