Prof. CATEDRAL Lydia Hwa-Che Medill

Academic Positions: City University of Hong Kong, Department of Linguistics and Translation; 2018 

PhD and MA: Univeristy of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Department of Linguistics; 2012-2018


Author IDs


Lydia Catedral is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Linguistics and Translation at City University of Hong Kong. She is a sociolinguist and discourse analyst whose research focuses on the intersections between language, identity, and morality across time and space, and the implications for marginalized groups including transnational migrants in the US and Hong Kong, and LGBTQ Christians. She has published in journals such as Language in Society, Language and Communication, and Discourse and Society.

Research Interests/Areas

Sociolinguistics; Discourse Analysis; Ethnography

Language ideologies; language planning; language and spatiotemporal imaginaries; language and morality

Filipina domestic workers in Hong Kong; Uzbek immigrant women in the United States; LGBTQ Christians


MA: Sociolinguistics (LT5408)

BA: Sociolinguistics (LT4244); Field and Research Methods in Linguistics (LT4243); Pragmatics (LT3215); and previously - Conversation Analysis 

General Education Courses: Image of the City (GE2111)


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