Prof. ZHANG Lin (張林)

Position(s) Available

PhD positions in the field of sustainability economics


The applicant should hold a Master's degree in economics or related fields (finance, business, management, data science), with high GPA and outstanding oral and written skills in English. Candidates with experience in one or many of the fields listed below are preferred:

  • Macroeconomics using CGE models
  • Applied econometrics for policy analysis
  • Big data with machine learning techniques


To apply, please submit your application to Prof. Zhang at [email protected], with your current curriculum vitae, complete transcripts, and one research paper (thesis or a published article in English, if there is any). For applicants from mainland China, please refer to our WeChat page (in Chinese). Download and fill in this application form.

For Ph.D. application:

(1) Please check the minimum entrance requirement at entrance-requirements

(2) You are encouraged to apply for Hong Kong PhD Fellowship Scheme