Prof. JIANG Li Crystal (蔣莉)

BA (Peking University), MPhil (Hong Kong Baptist University), PhD (Cornell University, US)                   

Visiting address
Phone: +852 34429332

Author IDs


My research focuses on cognitive processing and interpersonal dynamics in the contexts of health communication, persuasion and new media. Taking a socio-psychological perspective, I approach human communication by focusing on cognitive and interpersonal factors or processes using a variety of quantitative research methods (experiment, survey and content analysis). I am particularly interested in investigating some of the cognitive processes that influence the course and conduct of persuasion, personal bonding, self-presentation, and information seeking, and how these processes are shaped by communication technologies and social norms.


• GE 1223 Public Health Communication
• COM 3406 Strategic Media Planning
• COM 3411 Interactive Advertising
• GE 3202 Citizen Journalism and Civil Society
• COM 5104 Research Methods for Communication and New Media

Research Interests/Areas

  • Psychological and Interpersonal Processes in Social Media
  • Health Communication
  • Quantitative Research Methods

Research Grants 

  • Research Grants Council General Research Fund (ECS; Hong Kong), Overcoming Barriers to Influenza Vaccination in Hong Kong: Designing Culture-Centric Narratives for Health Promotion, 2015-2017, Principal Investigator, HKD 414,720, On-going
  • Research Grants Council General Research Fund (Hong Kong), The efficacy of using online narratives in changing HIV risk perceptions and behaviors among men who have sex with men in Hong Kong, 2015 to 2018, Co-Investigator, HKD 811,168, On-going
  • The Health Care and Promotion Fund (HCPF; Hong Kong), Love others like ourselves – pass life to others” - A social marketing program to promote organ donation among Protestant and Roman Catholic churches goes and their significant others, 2013 to 2015, Co-Investigator, HKD299,914, Completed

Services outside CityU

  • Adjunct Assistant Professor at the Jockey Club School of Public Health and Primary Care, the Chinese University of Hong Kong
  • Founding Member, Hong Kong Behavioral Health Society (HKBHS)


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