Prof. FUNG Lai Chu Annis (馮麗姝)
- Associate Professor, Department of Social and Behavioural Sciences
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FUNG Lai-chu Annis is an Associate Professor in a Social Work and Counselling Discipline. Her research and teaching areas are children and youth in school bullying, aggressive behaviour, peer victimisation, and innovative counselling interventions. She established the Children and Adolescents at Risk Education Laboratory (C.A.R.E. Lab.), which focuses on developing and scientifically evaluating various original interventions to reduce face-to-face aggression and bullying. Approaches such as the cognitive-behavioural approach, the physio-moral approach (e.g., Chinese martial arts and ethics), the neurobiological approach (e.g., Omega-3 supplementation), the social information-processing approach (e.g., storytelling), and the social learning approach (e.g., parenting efficacy) have been adopted to tackle these issues. Over 150 elementary and middle schools have been involved. In responding to social changes and needs during the COVID-19 pandemic, Annis established a new development of Cyber-Joy Enjoy Laboratory under C.A.R.E. Lab. in 2020. Cyberbullying has been a significant concern as students mostly rely on social networks to stay connected to friends and communities; hence, she developed evidence-based intervention based on emotion-focused therapy on cyberbullying and online victimization for young people.
- 2022 "Nurturing Wellbeing and Purpose Award - Silver Winner", QS - Wharton Reimagine Education Awards Steering Committee, the Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania, U.S.
- 2022 "Excellence in Knowledge Transfer Award", CLASS, CityU.
- 2020 “Excellence in Knowledge Transfer Award, Certificate of Merit,” CLASS, CityU.
- 2019 "Research Impact Award" CLASS, CityU.
- 2017 “Excellence in Knowledge Transfer Award, Certificate of Merit,” CLASS, CityU.
- 2013 “Hero Award, School-University Leader,” the Third Annual Anti-Bullying Summit, Auburn University, U.S.
- 2012 “Excellence in Knowledge Transfer Award,” CLASS, CityU.
- 2010 “Distinguished Alumni Award,” HKU.
- 2009 “Teaching Excellence Award,” CityU.
- 2008 “Outstanding Project Award,” the Quality Education Fund (QEF) of Education Bureau (EDB) of the HKSAR.
Research grant
Total research grant amount: HKD $20,247,806
General Research Fund (GRF)
- General Research Fund (GRF), Research Grants Council (RGC), Reducing Reactive and Proactive Aggression in Children and Adolescents by Enhancing Parenting Efficacy and Parental Involvement: A Randomised, Blinded, Placebo-Controlled, and Repeated Measures Design Study, 2021-2023, Principal Investigator, HKD $635,040 (USD $81,415), On-going.
- General Research Fund (GRF), Research Grants Council (RGC), Adaptation to Financial Strain: A Prospective Study of Everyday Processes and Mechanisms and Mental Health, 2021-2023, Co-Investigator, HKD $654,420 (USD $84,441), On-going.
- General Research Fund (GRF), Research Grants Council (RGC), Group Storytelling Intervention Based on Social Information Processing (SIP) Model to Reduce Reactive and Proactive Aggression in Young Schoolchildren, 2018-2021, Principal Investigator, HKD $717,360 (USD $92,563), Completed.
- General Research Fund (GRF), Research Grants Council (RGC), Perceived Overparenting and Developmental Outcomes of Chinese Adolescents in Hong Kong, 2018-2020, Co-Investigator, HKD $649,000 (USD $83,742), Completed.
- General Research Fund (GRF), Research Grants Council (RGC), Omega-3 Supplementation to Reduce Externalizing Behaviour Problems in Risk-taking Adolescents: A Randomized, Placebo-controlled, Double-blind Trial, 2015-2018, Principal Investigator, HKD $761,183 (USD $98,217), Completed.
- General Research Fund (GRF), Research Grants Council (RGC), Traditional Chinese Martial Arts Training in Reducing Aggression: An Evidence-based Evaluation on the Effectiveness of Traditional Chinese Martial Arts Training in Reducing Schoolchildren Aggression, 2014-2017, Principal Investigator, HKD $410,225 (USD $52,932), Completed.
- General Research Fund (GRF), Research Grants Council (RGC), The Neural Effect of Focused-attention Meditation and Loving-kindness Meditation on Attention and Emotion Perception, 2013-2015, Co-Investigator, HKD $732,319 (USD $94,493), Completed.
Public Policy Research (PPR) Funding Scheme
- Public Policy Research (PPR) Funding Scheme (Special Round), Policy Innovation and Co-ordination Office of the Government of the HKSAR, The Underlying Causes and Characteristics of Aggression and Victimisation among Participants in the Recent Social Incidents, April 2020-December 2020, Principal Investigator, HKD $518,100 (USD $66,852), Completed.
UGC Special Round for Student Support Services
- UGC Special Round for Student Support Services, Cyberbullying-related Support and Counselling Services, 2020-2022, Principal Investigator, HKD $2,610,000 (USD $338,961), Completed.
Quality Education Fund (QEF)
- Quality Education Fund (QEF), the Education Bureau of the HKSAR, Children and Adolescents at Risk Education (C.A.R.E.) 有教無『戾』 --- 校園欺『零』 計畫, 2009-2011, Principal Investigator, HKD $10,931,100 (USD $1,410,465) (3 rounds of funding 2006-07; 2007-09; and 2009-2011 in total), Completed.
- Quality Education Fund (QEF), the Education Bureau of the HKSAR, Children and Adolescents at Risk Education (C.A.R.E.) 有教無『戾』 --- 校園欺『零』 計畫, 2007-2009, Principal Investigator, Completed.
- Quality Education Fund (QEF), the Education Bureau of the HKSAR, Children and Adolescents at Risk Education (C.A.R.E.) 有教無『戾』 --- 校園欺『零』 計畫, 2006-2007, Principal Investigator, Completed.
UGC Knowledge Transfer Earmarked Fund
- UGC Knowledge Transfer Earmarked Fund, C.A.R.E. Home Cares Children and Adolescents At Risk Education, 2012-2014, Principal Investigator, HKD $199,860 (USD $25,788), Completed.
CityU Internal Research Grant
- Strategic Research Grant for unfunded GRF/ECS (SRG-Fd), City University of Hong Kong, An Innovative Emotion-focused Therapy Group Intervention for Tackling Cyber-aggression among Adolescents with Reactive Aggression in Hong Kong, 2022-2024, Principal Investigator, $100,000 (USD $12,903), On-going.
- City University of Hong Kong, CLASS Excellence in Knowledge Transfer Award, 2021-2022, Winner, HKD $10,000 (USD $1,282), Completed.
- Strategic Research Grant (SRG), City University of Hong Kong, An Innovative Intervention using Filmmaking with Scientific Evidence-based Outcome Evaluation to Reduce Reactive and Proactive Aggression in At-risk Adolescents, 2021-2023, Principal Investigator, HKD $100,000 (USD $12,903), On-going.
- Student Learning and Teaching Grant, City University of Hong Kong, Cyberbullying related Education and Development, 2020-2021, Principal Investigator, HKD $600,000 (USD $77,922), Completed.
- Strategic Research Grant (SRG), City University of Hong Kong, An Innovative Evidence-Based Outcome Fathering Programme Study in Reducing Reactive and Proactive Aggression Among At-Risk Adolescents and Children, 2019-2021, Principal Investigator, HKD $100,000 (USD $12,903), Completed.
- City University of Hong Kong, CLASS, Research Impact Award, 2019, Winner, HKD $20,000 (USD $2,581), Completed.
- Teaching Development Grant, City University of Hong Kong, Enhancement of Innovative Counselling Knowledge and Skills in Youth Aggression and Victimization Across Family and School Contexts for Practitioners, 2013-2015, Principal Investigator, HKD $179,315 (USD $23,137), Completed.
- City University of Hong Kong, CLASS Excellence in Knowledge Transfer Award, 2012-2013, Winner, HKD $10,000 (USD $1,282), Completed.
- City University of Hong Kong, Teaching Excellence Award: Integration of Social Research and Classroom Teaching for Social Work Students, 2009-2011, Winner, HKD $150,000 (USD $19,355), Completed.
- Faculty Research Committee, Behavioural Validation of Reactive-Proactive Aggression Conceptual Framework: Computer Game Approach, 2006-2007, Principal Investigator, $59,955 (USD $7,736), Completed.
- Faculty Research Committee, Cross-cultural Studies of Family Relationships and Social Support towards Domestic Violence in Culturally Diverse Families, 2005-2006, Principal Investigator, HKD $99,929 (USD $12,894), Completed.
Research Interests/Areas
- School Bullying and Violence
- Reactive and Proactive Aggression
- Innovative Interventions for Reducing Violent and Aggressive Behaviour
- Peace Education
- Evidence-based Practice in Social Work
- Children and Youth Welfare and Policy
Educational Qualifications
PhD (Social Work and Social Administration), HKU.
MA (Counselling) Keele, UK.
Previous Experiences
2012 - Present, Associate Professor, CityU.
2006 - 2012, Assistant Professor, CityU.
2005 - 2006, Visiting Assistant Professor, CityU.
Keynote Speeches
Fung, A. L. C. (2023, November). Reducing Reactive and Proactive Aggression in Children and Adolescents by Enhancing Parenting Efficacy and Parental Involvement. 4th Edition - World Congress on Pediatrics and Neonatology, University of California & LSU Health New Orleans, San Diego, United States, 6-7 November 2023.
Fung, A. L. C. (2022, May). Innovative Evidence-based Interventions in reactive and proactive aggression of School Bullying. Logos International Forum, Hong Kong Professional & Educational Services Ltd, Hong Kong, 14 May 2022.
Fung, A. L. C. (2020, April). Reducing Aggression In Schoolchildren through Group Storytelling Intervention Based on the Social Information Processing (SIP) Model: A Randomized, Blinded, Placebo-Controlled, and Repeated Measures Design Study. International Conference on Mental Health & Psychiatry, Gavin Conferences, Amsterdam, Netherlands, 08-09 April 2020.
Fung, A. L. C. (2020, March). The effectiveness of social information processing based storytelling intervention for high-risk schoolchildren with reactive and proactive aggression: An evidence-based longitudinal study. World Congress on Neuroscience and Brain Disorders, the Coalesce Research Group, Osaka, Japan, 30-31 March 2020.
Fung, A. L. C. (2020, January), School Bullying and Prevention of Youth Crimes. The New Generation Children and Adolescents: Challenges and Strategies in Social Services, International Social Service, Yantian, Shenzhen, on 10 January 2020.
Fung, A. L. C. (2019, October). From one factor model to two factor model of intervening schoolchildren with reactive and proactive aggression. The 8th International Colloquium on Advances in Nursing Science (ICANS-2019), the Innovinc International, Rome, Italy, 10-12 October 2019.
Fung, A. L. C. (2019, August). A pioneering study based on social information processing (SIP) model of storytelling intervention for at-risk schoolchildren with aggressive behavior. Emerging Trends in Multidisciplinary Research (ETMR-19), the European Academic Research Consortium (EARC), Berlin, Germany, 10-11 August 2019.
Fung A. L. C. (2018, August). Innovative Evidence-based Outcome Interventions for Schoolchildren with Reactive and Proactive Aggression: CBT, Bio-Neurobiological, Narrative, and Physio-moral Approaches. The Oxford Symposium in School-Based Family Counselling, the University of Oxford, The United Kingdom
Fung A. L. C. (2016, December). Evidence-based Outcome Effectiveness Longitudinal Study on Three Approaches to Reduce Proactive and Reactive Aggression in Schoolchildren: Group CBT, Moral Education, Bioneurological Intervention, 18th International Conference on Child and Adolescent Psychopathology, Hong Kong.
Fung A. L. C. (2013, July). Global Perspective on Bullying: Anti-bullying Research and Initiatives in Hong Kong. National Anti-bullying Summit, the United States.
Fung A. L. C. (2012, May). Individual counselling and group intervention for students with reactive and proactive aggression of school bullying. The Academy of Human Development, School of Counselling, Singapore.
Fung A. L. C. (2011, December). Building Successful School Partnerships. Knowledge Exchange Conference jointly organised by eight UGC-funded institutes, Hong Kong.
Fung A. L. C. (2011, July). Subtypes of Student Aggression in School Bullying: Concepts, Assessments, and Interventions. Annual Conference on Children's Society, Singapore.
Fung A. L. C. (2010, June). New perspectives in School bullying: Concerns and strategies for educators. The Faculty of Education, the Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong.
Fung A. L. C. (2010, June). Anti-bullying Forum: Different forms of aggression and School Bullying Among Youngsters Nowadays. Project C.A.R.E., Hong Kong.
Fung A. L. C. (2010, June). Sharing Innovations: Report on Projects Supported by Teaching DevelopmentGrant (TDG) and Quality Education Fund (QEF). CityU EDGE, Hong Kong
Fung A. L. C. (2009, October). Dealing with Victimization of School Bullying: Strategies for Social Workers. Education and Youth Bureau, Macao.
Fung A. L. C. (2009, August). Excellence in Teaching sharing and facilitation in Faculty Orientation Programme. CityU EDGE, Hong Kong.
Fung A. L. C. (2008, October). Applying psychology to improve students’ academic achievements and reduce school bullying. Taiwan Psychological Association Conference, Taipei, Taiwan.
Fung A. L. C. (2008, October). Implementation and Insights from the Research Project on Bullying in Hong Kong Secondary Schools. Hong Kong Association of Careers Masters and Guidance Masters Conference, Hong Kong.
Fung A. L. C. (2008, July). Effective Prevention, Intervention, and Counselling Strategies for School Bullying. The Education and Youth Bureau, Macao.
Conferences, Presentations, Symposia, & Workshops
Fung, A. L. C. (2022, June). Two-factor Model of Aggressive and Bullying Behaviours. International Conference on Cyber and Face-to-Face Aggression and Bullying 2022, Hong Kong, China, 15-16 June 2022.
Fung, A. L. C. (2021, April). Effectiveness of Chinese martial arts and ethics to reduce reactive and proactive aggression in schoolchildren. Hong Kong Autism Conference 2021 (Virtual), Hong Kong, 24 April 2021.
Fung, A. L. C. (2019, June). Adolescent reactive and proactive aggression, and bullying in Hong Kong: Prevalence, psychosocial correlates, and prevention. Adolescent Health and Well-Being: International and Local Experiences, Hong Kong, 21 June 2019.
Fung, A. L. C., Tsang, E. Y. H., Zhou, G., Low, A. Y. T., Ho, M. Y., & Lam, B. Y. H. (2018, June). The Age and Gender Effect on Peer Victimization in Hong Kong Schoolchildren. The 16th International Symposium of the World Society of Victimology 2018, Hong Kong,.
Fung, A. L. C. (2018, June). How age and gender affect strategies of coping with cyber-victimization among youths? 16th Annual Meeting International Society for Quality-Of-Life Studies, Hong Kong.
Fung, A. L. C. (2017, July). The Effectiveness of Omega-3 Supplements in Reducing Schoolchildren with Reactive and Proactive Aggression: A longitudinal study". 19th International Conference on Social Science & Humanities (ICSSH), Barcelona, Spain.
Fung, A. L. C. (2017, May). Schizotypal Personality Among Schoolchildren: Comparison among Reactive Aggressors, Proactive Aggressors, Co-occurring Aggressors, and Non-aggressors. 8th International Conference on Social Sciences, Business, Technology and Management (SBTM-MAY-2017), Seoul, South Korea.
Fung, A. L. C. (2017, April). The Relationship between Forms of Peer Victimization and Subtypes of Aggressive Behaviour in Schoolchildren: Moderation by Sex. 7th International Conference on Implications of Research in Business, Economics, Management Social Sciences and Humanities (IRBEMSH-APRIL-2017), Osaka, Japan.
Fung, A. L. C. (2016, August). Effectiveness of Chinese martial arts and ethics to reduce reactive and proactive aggression in schoolchildren. ICBTS 2016 International Social Sciences and Education Research Conference, Zurich, Switzerland.
Chan, Y., Kubiesa, C., Bellare, Y. N., Gerstein, L., & Fung, A. L. C. (2015, August). Effects of Snyder’s Hope on Life Satisfaction in Hong Kong, 2015 APA Annual Convention. American Psychological Association, Toronto, Canada.
Fung, A. L. C., Hurley, E. J., Gerstein, L. H., & Chan, Y. (2015, August). Effects of Hong Kong Children’s Aggression on Their Parents’ Stress. 2015 Annual Convention of the American Psychological Association, Toronto, Canada.
Gerstein, L. H., Chan, Y., Fung, A. L. C., & Bashmi, L. E. (2015, August). The Personal Resource Questionnaire 2000: Applicability in Hong Kong. 2015 APA Annual Convention, American Psychological Association, Toronto, Canada.
Gerstein, L. H., Hutchison, A., Chan, Y., & Fung, A. L. C. (2015, August). The use of nonviolence among male and female aggressive Hong Kong youth. 2015 APA Annual Convention, American Psychological Association, Toronto, Canada.
Kinsey, R., Chan, Y., Gerstein, L., & Fung, A. L. C. (2015, August). The Mediating Effect of Negative Problem-Solving Orientation on Hyper competitiveness and Distress. 2015 APA Annual Convention, American Psychological Association, Toronto, Canada.
Fung, A. L. C. (2015, May). The Associations between Psychopathic Traits, Proactive and Reactive Aggression in Schoolchildren in Hong Kong. 27th Association for Psychological Science Annual Convention, USA.
Fung, A. L. C. (2015, May). The Evidence-based Outcome Effectiveness of Peer Counselling and Cognitive-behavioural Therapy Group Intervention for Aggressive Schoolchildren. The International Psychological Applications Conference and Trends 2015 (InPACT 2015), Ljubljana, Slovenia.
Fung, A. L. C. (2015, May). Psychopathic traits and aggression in children: Implications for treatment. 27th Association for Psychological Science, Annual Convention, New York, USA.
Fung, A. L. C. (2015, April). The Differences In Normative Beliefs Among Schoolchildren With Reactive, Proactive, Reactive-Proactive Aggression, And Without Aggression". ICEPSS 2015: XIII International Conference on Education, Psychology and Social Sciences, Venice, Italy.
Fung, A. L. C. (2014, August). The Cultural Examination of Hope Development among Individuals with Chronic Illness and Disabilities. 2014 American Psychological Association Annual Convention, the United States.
Fung, A. L. C. (2014, August). The Teenage Nonviolence Test: Applicability in Hong Kong? 2014 American Psychological Association Annual Convention, the United States.
Fung, A. L. C. (2014, August). Cultural Validation of the Children's Hope Scale in Hong Kong. 2014 American Psychological Association Annual Convention, the United States.
Fung, A. L. C. (2014, July). An Outcome Evaluation on Cognitive-Behavioural Group Therapy for Children and Adolescents with Proactive Aggression: A longitudinal study. 9th International Conference on Child and Adolescent Psychopathology, the United Kingdom.
Fung, A. L. C. (2014, February to March). The Relationship of Parenting Styles and Children with Narcissism and Reactive and Proactive Aggression". Harvard Graduate School of Education, the United States.
Fung, A. L. C. (2013, July). An Outcome Evaluation on Cognitive-Behavioural Group Therapy for Children and Adolescents with Proactive Aggression: A longitudinal study. 8th International Conference on Child and Adolescent Psychopathology, the United Kingdom.
Gerstein, L. H., Ryan, C. M., Harlow, A. J., Chan, J. Y. C., & Fung, A. L. C. (2012, August). The examination of the role of specific types of peer-victimization and reactive aggression. American Psychological Association (APA) Annual Convention, Orlando, Florida.
Chan, J. Y. C., Fung, A. L. C., Gerstein, L. H., & Agisdóttir, S. (2012, August). Psychometric Properties of the Beliefs about Psychological Services Scale in Hong Kong. American Psychological Association (APA) Annual Convention, Orlando, Florida.
Chan, J. Y. C., Fung, A. L. C., & Gerstein, L. H. (2012, August). A New Method to Explore Cross-Cultural Validity of Instruments: Cross-cultural validity of the Teenage Nonviolence Test in Hong Kong. American Psychological Association (APA) Annual Convention, Orlando, Florida.
Rowan, D., Jarkestig-Berggren, U., Cambridge, I., McAuliffe, D., Fung, A. L. C., & Moore, M. (2012, July). The 6 Continents Project: A method for linking social work classrooms across the world through asynchronous video uploading. The Social Work Social Development 2012: Action and Impact conference, Stockholm, Sweden.
Fung, A. L. C. (2012, July). Group Therapy for Passive Victims of School Bullying. The Social Work Social Development 2012: Action and Impact conference, Stockholm, Sweden.
Fung, A. L. C., Gerstein, L. H., & Chan, J. Y. C. (2011, August). Symposium: Aggression in Hong Kong: Experiences of Children, Youth, and Adults. American Psychological Association (APA) Annual Convention, Washington, the United States.
Fung, A. L. C., Gerstein, L. H., Chan, J. Y. C., & Engebretson, J. (2011, August). Relationship of Aggression to Anxiety, Depression, Anger, and Empathy. American Psychological Association (APA) Annual Convention, Washington, the United States.
Fung, A. L. C., Gerstein, L. H., Chan, J. Y. C., & Hurley, E. (2011, August). Predicting Parents’ Distress from Children's Aggression and Parental Behaviour. American Psychological Association (APA) Annual Convention, Washington, the United States.
Fung, A. L. C., Gerstein, L. H., Chan, J. Y. C., Hutchison, A. (2011, August). Proactive Aggressive Hong Kong Students: One-Year Study of Cognitive-Behavioural Therapy. American Psychological Association (APA) Annual Convention, Washington, the United States.
Chan, J. Y. C., Fung, A. L. C., Ryan, C. M., & Gerstein, L. H. (2011, August). Experiencing victimization from peers: Are children with learning disabilities at greater risk? Asian American Psychological Association (AAPA) Annual Convention, Washington, the United States.
Chan, J. Y. C., & Fung, A. L. C. (2011, April). Cultural validation of the Multidimensional Peer Victimization Scale in Hong Kong. The 54th International Conference on Great Lakes Research, Duluth, Minnesota, the United States.
Fung, A. L. C. (2010, July). The Effect of Family Structure and Gender on Adolescent Well-being in East Asia. 2010 International Conference on Personal Relationships, Herliza, Israel.
Fung, A. L. C. (2010, June). A two-year longitudinal study on the effectiveness of Cognitive-Behavioural Group Therapy for Reactive Aggression. 2010 Joint World Conference on Social Work and Social Development, Hong Kong.
Gao, Y., Raine, A., & Fung, A. L. C. (2010, March). Autonomic under arousal in callous-unemotional boys from benign home environments. Society for Research on Adolescence (SRA) Biennial Conference in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, the United States.
Fraczek, A., Ramirez, J. M., & Fung, A. L. C. (2009, September). Patterns of readiness for interpersonal aggression among young adults (Cross-national comparative study). Paper presented at the 28th CICA International Conference on Attitudes on Conflict and Aggression: A Cross-cultural Approach, Bodrum, Turkey.
Ramirez, J. M., Fung, A. L. C., & Halty, L. (2009, September). Justification of different aggression acts in different situations in university students from Spain and Hong Kong. Paper presented at the 28th CICA International Conference on Attitudes on Conflict and Aggression: A Cross-cultural Approach, Bodrum, Turkey.
Fung, A. L. C. (2009, July). The stepfamily as a high-risk factor in youth aggression. Paper presented at the 4th International Conference on Child and Adolescent Psychopathology, Roehampton, London, the United Kingdom.
Fung, A. L. C. (2008, October). Qualitative analyses on student, parent, and teacher report on behavioural and cognitive changes of schoolchildren aggressors. Paper presented at the 5th World Congress for Psychotherapy, the World Council for Psychotherapy, Beijing, China.
Fung, A. L. C. (2008, July). The pioneer Cognitive-behavioural Therapy Group Intervention for Youth Reactive Aggressors (CBTRA) program for reactively aggressive youth. Paper presented at the XVIII world meeting of International Society for research on aggression, Budapest, Hungary
Fung, A. L. C. (2008, June). Cognitive-affective-social-behavioural treatment program for the aggression of school bullying. The organizer of the symposium on school bullying and paper presented at the 6th Chinese Psychologist Conference, Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong.
Fung, A. L. C. (2008, June). Two forms of student aggression with different developmental trajectories. Paper presented at the Conference of Family, Children and Youth in Changing Chinese Societies, City University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, PRC, June 7, 2008.
Fung, A. L. C. (2006, July). Parental cognition, behaviour, and stress: A treatment outcome study on parents with aggressive children. Paper presented at the International Conference on Interdisciplinary Social Sciences of Commonground Publisher, University of the Aegean, Greece.
Fung, A. L. C. (2005, December). Deescalating childhood aggression in Hong Kong. Paper presented at the International Conference of Children At Risk in Education Research Centre, University Putra Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
Fung, A. L. C. (2005, August). The Etiology and Typology of Youth Aggression. Paper presented at the Conference of the Juvenile Delinquency Research Society, Macao, China.
Research Impacts & Engagements
Government Department & Policy Committee
- 2022 - 2023, Member, Chief Executive Award for Teaching Excellence (High-level Advisory Panel), Education Bureau of the HKSAR
- 2022 - 2023, Chair, Chief Executive Award for Teaching Excellence (Guidance and Discipline), Education Bureau of the HKSAR.
- 2018 - Present, Convenor of Suicide Group, Child Fatality Review Panel, The Social Welfare Department of the HKSAR.
- 2018 - Present, Consultant & Trainer, Correctional Services Department of the HKSAR.
- 2018 - Present, Upload Dr. Fung's teaching and research work at the offical website under Education Bureau of the HKSAR.
- 2015 - Present, Consultant & Trainer, Social Welfare Department of the HKSAR.
- 2012 - Present, Consultant & Trainer, Hong Kong Police Force.
- 2011 - Present, Consultant & Trainer, Educaiton Bureau of the HKSAR.
- 2016 - 2017, Board Member, Chief Executive Award for Teaching Excellence (Guidance and Discipline), Education Bureau of the HKSAR.
- 2015 - 2017, Trainer, Social Welfare Department (Training Course on Helping the At-risk Children and Adolescents with Conduct Problems and Antisocial Behaviours).
- 2015 - 2017, Trainer, Social Welfare Department (Seminar on the Handling of Aggressive Behaviour among Young People).
- 2011 - 2017, Consultant & Trainer, Hong Kong Police Force (Youth-In-Need Engagement Course).
- 2012 - 2014, Seminars and professional trainings, Education and Youth Bureau in Macau, academies in Singapore, Taipei Education Bureau in Taiwan, and Shandong University in Mainland.
- 2011 - 2014, Consultant, NGOs and Academies in Singapore.
- 2012 - 2013, Board Member, Chief Executive Award for Teaching Excellence (Guidance and Discipline), Education Bureau of the HKSAR.
- 2011 - 2012, Consultant, Anti-bullying Campaign of Education Bureau of HKSAR.
Visiting Professorship, Research Panel, & International Research Network
- 2022, External Reviewer, University of Macau Multi-Year Research Grant – General Research Grant.
- 2020, Impact Case Study (UoA: Social Work and Social Policy), Research Assessment Exercise (RAE), City University of Hong Kong.
- 2018 - Present, Member, Bullying Research Network.
- 2017 - Present, Non-panel Reviewer, The Public Policy Research (PPR) Funding Scheme administered by the Policy Innovation and Co-ordination Office (PICO) of the Government of the HKSAR.
- 2018 - 2020, Ph.D. External Examiner, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University.
- 2015 - 2017, Chief Conference Organizer, International Conference Organizer of Professional Counsellors Add Values to Educational, Social, Medical, and Commercial Sectors, City University of Hong Kong.
- 2015 - 2017, Ph.D. External Examiner, The University of Hong Kong.
- 2015 - 2016, Ph.D. External Examiner & E.D.D. External Examiner, Chinesee University of Hong Kong.
- 2015, Visiting Professor, City University of New York, Brooklyn College, U.S.
- 2014, Visiting Professor, Turku University, Finland.
Editor or Editorial Membership
- 2020 - Present, Editorial Board Member, Frontiers in Psychology.
- 2019 - Present, Editorial Board Member, Psychological Disorders and Research.
- 2019 - Present, Editorial Board Member, International Journal of Psychology and Cognitive Science.
- 2019 - Present, Editorial Board Member, Interdisciplinary Social Sciences Research Network.
- 2019 - Present, Editorial Board Member, Developmental Psychology.
- 2019 - Present, Editorial Board Member, American Journal of Health Research.
- 2019 - Present, Editorial Board Member, Neurology & Neurotherapy.
- 2019 - Present, Editorial Board Member, American Journal of Pediatrics.
- 2019 - Present, Editorial Board Member, CPQ Neurology and Psychology.
- 2018 - Present, Editorial Board Member, Human Resources Management and Services.
- 2018 - Present, Editorial Board Member, Journal of Depression and Anxiety Forecast.
- 2018 - Present, Editorial Board Member, Journal of Neuropathology.
- 2018 - Present, Editorial Board Member, Modern Management Forum.
- 2018 - Present, Editorial Board Member, Psychological Disorders and Research.
- 2018 - Present, Editorial Board Member, Journal of Psychiatry and Cognitive Behavior.
- 2018 - Present, Editorial Board Member, Psychology & Psychological Research International Journal.
- 2018 - Present, Editorial Board Member, Social Development Issues.
- 2017 - Present, Guest Editor, Applied Research in Quality of Life.
- 2015 - Present, Editorial Board Member, Encylopedia of Child Adolescent Development.
- 2014 - Present, Editorial Board Member, Frontiers in Public Health.
- 2013 - Present, Editorial Board Member, Social Work and Counselling Book Series.
- 2016 - 2019, Editor-in-chief, Journal of Counselling Profession.
- 2010 - 2016, Editorial Board Member, Asian Journal of Counselling.
Services outside CityU
Community and Professional Services
- Sep 2023 – Aug 2025, Honorary Scholar, School of Continuing Education, Hong Kong Baptist University
- Feb 2023 – Aug 2023, Panel member for reviewing Bachelor of Social Work (Honours) Programme (Level 5), Hong Kong Council for Accreditation of Academic and Vocational Qualifications
- 2022 - Present, Director, Chairperson of Scholarship Committee, Hong Kong Chiropractic College Foundation Ltd.
- 2019 - Present, Chairperson, Executive Board Committee, The Hans Anderson Club.
- 19 October 2019, Panel Guest, 2019 Children's Council Meeting.
- 2018 - Present, Panel Member, Textbook Review Panel, Consumer Council of HKSAR.
- 2018 - Present, Director, The Centre of Fathering, The Family Value Foundation of Hong Kong.
- 2018 - 2019, Trainer, Kowloon Technical School.
- 2018 - 2019, Trainer, Diocesan Boys' School Primary Division.
- 2017 - Present, Interview Panel Member, The Hong Kong Scholarship for Excellence Scheme (HKSES) Award.
- 2016, Trainer, Whampoa Alliance Church Primary School.
- 2012 - 2015, Chairperson, Early Childhood and Elementary Education Division of the School of Continuing Education Advisory Committee, Hong Kong Baptist University.
- 2007 - 2019 , Director, Hans Andersen Club Limited Hong Kong.
- 2007 - 2009, Service Consultant and Trainer for In-service Social Workers, Hong Kong Federation of Youth Groups.
- 2006 - Present, Selection Committee of Hong Kong Volunteer Award, Social Welfare Departmnet of the HKSAR.
- 2006 - Present, Consultant, Evangel School, Evangelical Lutheran Church of Hong Kong.
- 2005 - 2009, Consultant, Parent Education Program of Radio Television Hong Kong (RTHK).
Services in CityU
Administrative Assignments
- 2020 - Present, Nominated Committee Member, College Research Impact Committee.
- 2020 - Present, Elected Committee Member, College Board Committee.
- 2020 - Present, Nominated Group Member, Taught Postgraduate (TPG) Education Working Group.
- 2020 - Present, Year-2 Coordinator, MSocSc in Counselling Programme.
- April 2020 - December 2020, Committee Member, Student Affairs Committee.
- 29 June 2020, Academic Staff, Business College Examination Board Meeting.
- 2018 - Present, Departmental Internal Auditor, Research Impact & Research Environment (RAE).
- 2018 - Present, Committee Member, Departmental Research Committee - Counselling & Social Work.
- 2018 - 2020, Committee Member, College Research Impact Committee.
- 2018 - 2020, Committee Member, College Board Committee.
- 2016 - Present, Committee Member, Academic Conduct & Student Discipline Committee.
- 2015 - Present, Programme Leader, MSocSc in Counselling Programme.
- 2012 - 2014, Committee Member, Academic Policy Committee.
- 2011 - 2015, Associate Programme Leader, MSocSc in Counselling Programme.
- 2011 - 2014, Working Team Member, Discovery-enriched Curriculum Development Team.
- 2011 - 2013, Coordinator, Knowledge Transfer.
- 2011 - 2012, Selection Panel Member, The Institutional-level Programmes under the Student Exchange Programme.
- 2010 - 2013, Committee Member, College Graduate Studies Committee.
- 2010 - 2012, Committee Member, College Board Committee.
- 2010 - 2011, Committee Member, Selection Panel for Teaching Excellence Award (TEA).
- 2009 - 2010, Committee Planning Member, MSS Counselling Psychology Programme.
- 2009 - 2010, Judge, Competition on "Teaching and Professional Eprotfolios for All: A Roadmap for Success."
- 2007 - 2008, Year 3 Coordinator, BSocSc in Psychology Programme.
- 2006 - 2011, Coordinator, Counselling Practicum of MSocSc in Counselling Programme.
- 2006 - 2010, Practicum Coordinator, MSocSc in Counselling Programme.
- 2006 - 2007, Year 2 Coordinator, BSocSc in Psychology Programme.
- 2006 - 2007, Coordinator, Special Extra-curricular Activities in SS Teacher Development Grant.
- 2006, Member, Counselling Practicum of MSocSc in Counselling Programme.
- 2005 - 2007, Advisor, Minor in Psychology and Minor in Applied Psychology.
- 2005 - 2006, Foundation Year Coordinator, BSocSc in Psychology Programme.
Supervision of Research Degree Students
- On-going, 2021 – Present, Qualifying Panel Member of Lee Siu Chung.
- On-going, 2022 – Present, Supervisor of Huang Qi Lu.
- On-going, 2021 – Present, Supervisor of Hao Du.
- On-going, 2020 - Present, Supervisor of Zhang Yuxuan.
- On-going, 2020 - Present, Supervisor of Yang Jingwen.
- On-going, 2020 - Present, Co-Supervisor of Lu Wei Wei Vivian.
- On-going, 2018 - Present, Co-supervisor of Bu He.
- Terminated with personal reason, 2017 - 2018, Supervisor, Li Wing Fai Darwin.
- Graduated, 2018 - 2022, Supervisor of Cui Yifan.
- Graduated, 2013 - 2016, Supervisor of Liu Xin Marina.
- Graduated, 2011 - 2015, Co-supervisor of Gao Yunjiao.
- Graduated, 2010 - 2014, Supervisor of Zhou Guangdong.
- Graduated, 2008 - 2013, Supervisor of Li Xiang Ann.
Below displays the top Fingerprint concepts, per subject area for this Expert. Fingerprint concepts that appear on this page are based on all the research output produced by this Expert.