Dr. NGAN Keith (顏文基)


  1. 2018
  2. Mixing and Ventilation in an Urban Street Canyon

    NGAN, K. (Speaker)

    12 Jun 2018

    Activity: Talk/lecture or presentationPresentation

  3. Idealised models of mixing and dispersion in urban areas

    NGAN, K. (Speaker)

    6 Mar 2018

    Activity: Talk/lecture or presentationPresentation

  4. 2017
  5. Analysing interscale energy transfer in urban boundary-layer turbulence using orthonormal wavelets

    NGAN, K. (Speaker)

    7 Sept 2017

    Activity: Talk/lecture or presentationPresentation

  6. Effects of time-dependent inflow perturbations on urban flow

    NGAN, K. (Speaker)

    7 Sept 2017

    Activity: Talk/lecture or presentationPresentation

  7. Atmospheric predictability from global to urban scales

    NGAN, K. (Invited Speaker)

    27 Jun 2017

    Activity: Talk/lecture or presentationTalk/lecture

  8. Predictability of urban-scale flows

    NGAN, K. (Invited Speaker)

    12 Jun 2017

    Activity: Talk/lecture or presentationTalk/lecture

  9. Non-local ventilation diagnostics for idealized and realistic urban domains

    LAU, G. E. (Speaker), NGAN, K. (Speaker) & Hon, K.-K. (Speaker)

    26 May 2017

    Activity: Talk/lecture or presentationTalk/lecture

  10. Relative importance of regional and local pollutant sources in deep street canyons

    NGAN, K. (Speaker), GANBAT, G. (Speaker) & Hon, K.-K. (Speaker)

    26 May 2017

    Activity: Talk/lecture or presentationTalk/lecture

  11. Effects of mesoscale perturbations on urban flow

    NGAN, K. (Invited Speaker)

    11 May 2017

    Activity: Talk/lecture or presentationTalk/lecture

  12. Mixing of a Passive Scalar in an Urban-Street Canyon

    DUAN, G. (Speaker) & NGAN, K. (Speaker)

    25 Jan 2017

    Activity: Talk/lecture or presentationPresentation

  13. On the Sensitivity of Urban Flow and Ventilation to Time-Dependent Inflow Perturbations

    DUAN, G. (Speaker) & NGAN, K. (Speaker)

    25 Jan 2017

    Activity: Talk/lecture or presentationTalk/lecture

  14. 2016
  15. Dispersion, ventilation and mixing in urban street canyons

    NGAN, K. (Speaker)

    1 Dec 2016

    Activity: Talk/lecture or presentationTalk/lecture

  16. Atmospheric predictability from global to urban scales

    NGAN, K. (Invited Speaker)

    25 Nov 2016

    Activity: Talk/lecture or presentationTalk/lecture

  17. Characterising Urban Pollutant Ventilation and Exposure with Lagrangian diagnostics

    NGAN, K. (Speaker)

    29 Oct 2016

    Activity: Talk/lecture or presentationTalk/lecture

  18. On the Sensitivity of Urban Flow and Pollutant Dispersion to Time-Dependent Inflow Perturbations

    DUAN, G. (Speaker) & NGAN, K. (Speaker)

    6 Jul 20169 Jul 2016

    Activity: Talk/lecture or presentationTalk/lecture