Dr. CHENG Hon Kwong Christopher (鄭漢光)
BA,Hons.Psy (Uni. New South Wales), PhD (HKU)
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Professional Expertise
I received my professional training in psychology at the University of New South Wales (UNSW) in Sydney Australia in the mid-eighties, and then obtained PhD specializing in adolescent psychology from the University of Hong Kong. I am a Chartered Psychologist and Associate Fellow of the British Psychological Society, Registered Psychologist of the Hong Kong Psychological Society, and gained full membership of the Australian Psychological Society (Division of Indpendently Practising Psychologists). Being a specialist in psychological testing and psychometrics, I apply my academic interests to assessment and evaluation of psychological well-being, self-esteem, antisocial and prosocial behaviours.
I have received a number of highly competitive research grants and government commissioned grants, including General Research Fund (GRF), CERG, HMRF, etc. Recently I have been granted by the Medical & Health Research Fund (HMRF) to research the psychometric properties of the Chinese Post-Traumatic Growth Inventory (CPTGI).
Professional Practice and Knowledge Transfer
I have developed the Chinese Adolescent Self-Esteem Scales (CASES) which has been adopted to measure the self-concept of Hong Kong students in the first Assessment Program for Affective and Social Outcomes (APASO), Education Bureau HKSAR Government. I serve as the associate editor of International Journal of Science in Society, Editorial Board member of the International Journal of Criminology and Sociology. Besides the academia, I have also served various NGOs and public institutions such as school manager, Hong Kong Psychological Society, prison visitor, Centre for Restoration of Human Relationships (復和綜合服務中心), Kwong Yuen Neighbourhood Centre, and so on.
I have served as the program leader and chair of the B.Soc.Sc.(Psychology) program for almost a decade until 2015/6. My current teaching focuses on statistical analysis and experimental psychology. Besides classroom teaching I am also engaged in student internships and doctoral education (both as examiner and supervisor). As one of the founding members of the Psychology Laboratories, I also serve as the director of the Psychometrics Lab.
Research Interests/Areas
- health and well-being
- psychological testing
- cross-cultural psychology, Chinese behaviour
- self-esteem and self-efficacy
- prosocial and antisocial behaviour
Editor or Editorial Membership
I serve as the associate editor of International Journal of Science in Society, Editorial Board member of the International Journal of Criminology and Sociology
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