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Professor Guanrong (Ron) Chen has been Chair Professor since year 2000 and the Shun Hing Education and Charity Fund Chair Professor in Engineering since 2022 at City University of Hong Kong.

Prof. Chen received the M.Sc. degree in computational mathematics from Sun Yat-sen (Zhongshan) University, China in 1981, and the Ph.D. degree in applied mathematics from Texas A&M University, USA in 1987. He worked at Rice University as a visiting assistant professor in 1987-1990, at the University of Houston through tenure track till became a tenured full professor in 1990-1999, and then at City University of Hong Kong as a chair professor and the founding director of the Centre for Chaos and Complex Networks from year 2000.

Prof. Chen was elected IEEE Fellow in 1997, for his fundamental contributions to the theory and applications of chaos control and bifurcation analysis, and became Life Fellow in 2019. He was conferred Honorary Doctorates by Saint Petersburg State University of Russia in 2011 and by University of Le Havre of France in 2014. He was elected Member of the Acadamia Europaea in 2014 and Fellow of The World Academy of Sciences in 2015.

Prof. Chen's main research pursuit is in one of the focusing areas in engineering - nonlinear systems control and dynamics, as well as complex networks. He is the (co)author of more than 700 SCI journal papers and 300 conference abstracts, published since 1981, receiving near 100,000 non-self citations with h_index 147 according to Scopus, and is a Highly Cited Researcher in Engineering as well as in Mathematics according to Clarivate Web of Science. He is also the (co)author of 31 technical and edited books.

He received numerous prestigious awards, particularly the 2011 Euler Gold Medal conferred by the Euler Foundation of Russia, 2008, 2012 and 2016 State Natural Science Awards of China, and 2010 Ho-Leung-Ho-Lee Science and Technology Award. Other significant awards include the 1993 Junior Faculty Research Excellence Award from the University of Houston, the 1998 Harden-Simons Annual Prize for Outstanding Journal Paper from the American Society of Engineering Education, the 2001 IEEE M. Barry Carlton Best Annual Paper Award from the IEEE Aerospace and Electronic Systems Society, the 2002 Best Paper Award from the Institute of Information Theory and Automation, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, the 2005 and 2022 IEEE Guillemin-Cauer Best Annual Paper Awards from the IEEE Circuits and Systems Society, the 2013 IET Premium Best Paper Award, and the 2020 Annual Best paper ard by Chinese Institue of Electronics. He served and is serving as Editor-in-Chief for the IEEE Circuits and Systems Magazine (2008-2011), Editor-in-Chief for the International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos (since 2010), Deputy Editor-in-Chief for the International Journal of Circuits Theory and Applications (2008-2009) and the IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems - II and -I (2004-2007), as Associate Editor for several IEEE and international journals. He served as chairman and organizer for many international workshops and conferences, and was the Chairman of the Nonlinear Circuits and Systems Technical Committee of the IEEE Circuits and Systems Society (1999-2001) and is the Chairman of the Complex Systems and Networks Technical Committee of the Chinese Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics (2009-2017).

In the past, Prof. Chen was invited to give lectures and seminars in more than 30 countries. He is Honorary Professor, Advisory Professor and Guest-Chair Professor of 30 some universities worldwide, including Honorary Professor of the Universidad Nacional del Sur, Argentina; Honorary Professor of the Central Queensland University and University of Ballarat, Australia; Honorary Adjunct Professor of University of Houston, USA; Chang-Jiang Chair Professor of Peking University; Honorary Advisory Professor of Fudan University; and Honorary Guest-Chair Professor of Tsinghua University, University of Science and Technology of China, Zhejiang University, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, and Sun Yat-sen University, among others.


In City University of Hong Kong:

     * Teaching Awards: EE Department, CityU of Hong Kong, in 2013 and 2014 (6000-level courses, second prize), 2015 (6000-level courses, first prize), 2018-19 (Level-2, first proze), 2020-21 (level 2, outstanding)

Postgraduate Course:

   - EE 6605 -  Complex Networks: Modeling, Dynamics and Control (SemB'07, SemB'08, SemB'09, SemB'10, SemB'11, Summer'12, SemB'13, SemB'14, SemB'15, SemB'16, SemB'17, SemB'18, SemB'19, SemB'20, SemA'21, SemA'22, SemA'23, SemA'24)

   - EE 64152 - Introduction to Fuzzy Informatics and Intelligent Systems (SemB'01, SemB'02, SemB'03, SemB'04, SemB'05, SemB'06)

Undergraduate Courses:

  -  EE 3114 -  Systems and Control (SemB'18, SemA'19)

  -  GE 2318 -  From Ancient Wisdom to Modern Science (SemB'11, SemB'12, SemB'13, SemB'14, SemA'15, SemA'16, SemA'17, SemA'18, SemB'19, SemA'20, SemB'21, SemB'22, SemB'23, SemB'24)

  -  GE 2301 -  Science and Technology: From Past to Future (SemB'09, SemA'09, SemB'10)

In the Past ......

In University of Houston:

Undergraduate Courses:

    - ECE 4375/4115              - Automatic Control Systems(Fall’92, Fall’94, Spring’97, Spring’99)

    - ECE 5335/6325/5115     - State-Space Control Systems(Fall’93, Spring’94, Fall’95, Spring’98)

    - Courses taught before

Graduate Courses:

    - ECE 6310       - Engineering Robotics(Fall’90, Fall’91, Fall’92, Spring’93, Spring’94, Spring’95, Spring’96, Spring’97, Fall’98, Fall’99)

    - ECE 7331       - Nonlinear Control Systems(Spring’96, Fall’97)

    - ECE 7332       - Stochastic Control Systems(Fall’91, Spring’93, Fall’95, Fall’96, Spring’99)

    - ECE 7333       - Optimal Control Systems(Fall’94, Fall’98)

    - ECE 7397       - Fuzzy Control Systems(Spring’95, Fall’96, Spring’98)

    - ECE 7397       - Advanced Nonlinear Control Systems (Spring’92, Fall’93, Fall’99)

 Short Courses


Editor or Editorial Membership

Editorship [links]

Editor-in-Chief:   International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos (2010-present)

Editor-in-Chief:   IEEE Circuits and Systems Magazine (2008-2011)

Deputy Editor-in-Chief:  IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems, Part I (2005-2007), Part II (2004-2005)

Features Editor:   IEEE Circuits and Systems Society Newsletter (1999-2001)

Associate Editor:  Electronic Journal: Differential Equations and Control Processes (2011-present)

Associate Editor:  IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems, Part I (1993-1995; 1999-2001)

Associate Editor:  IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control (2004-2006)

Associate Editor:  International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos (1991-2009)

Associate Editor:  Journal of Control Science and Engineering (2006-2014)

Associate Editor:  Dynamics of Continuous, Discrete & Impulsive Systems, Series B: Applications & Algorithms (2002-2004, 2007-2010)

Associate Editor: 

Chinese Academy of Sciences Journals:

  • Control Theory and Applications (Chinese Edition) (1995-2014)
  • Control Theory and Applications (English Edition) (2004-2014)
  • Journal of Systems Science and Complexity (2001-2014)
  • National Science Review (2013-2022)

Advisory Editor:   IEEE Circuits and Systems Magazine (2001-2005)

Advisory Editor:   Latin American Applied Research: An International Journal (2000-present)

Advisory Editor:   Journal of Guilin Normal University (2002)  

Past Editor-in-Chief: Dynamics of Continuous, Discrete & Impulsive Systems, Series B: Applications & Algorithms (2004-2007)

Guest Editor:       

Electronic Journal:

  • Chaos (2024)
  • IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems, Part-I (2024)
  • Journal of the Franklin Institute (2017)
  • Differential Equations and Control Processes (2011)
  • International Journal of Information Science and Systems (2009)
  • Advances in Mechanics (力学进展)(2008)
  • Kybernatika (2008, 2017)
  • Transactions of IEICE (2006)
  • Dynamics of Continuous, Discrete & Impulsive Systems, Series B (2003)
  • International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos (2000; 2002)
  • Information Science: An International Journal  (2000)
  • Latin American Applied Research: An International Journal (2001)
  • Mathematical Problems in Engineering (2014)


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