Prof. NAH Fui Hoon (藍慧芬)

Research Output

  1. 2015
  2. Social media in health care

    Eschenbrenner, B. & Nah, F.F.-H., 2015, HCI in Business - 2nd International Conference, HCIB 2015 Held as Part of HCI International 2015, Proceedings. Springer Verlag, Vol. 9191. p. 76-85 (Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics); vol. 9191).

    Research output: Chapters, Conference Papers, Creative and Literary WorksRGC 32 - Refereed conference paper (with host publication)peer-review

    Scopus citations: 5
  3. 2014
  4. Institutional boundaries and trust of virtual teams in collaborative design: An experimental study in a virtual world environment

    Schiller, S. Z., Mennecke, B. E., Nah, F.F.-H. & Luse, A., Jun 2014, In: Computers in Human Behavior. 35, p. 565-577

    Research output: Journal Publications and ReviewsRGC 21 - Publication in refereed journalpeer-review

    Scopus citations: 42
  5. HCI in Business: First International Conference, HCIB 2014, Held as Part of HCI International 2014, Proceedings

    Nah, F.F.-H. (Editor), 13 May 2014, 1 ed. Springer, Cham. 801 p. (Lecture Notes in Computer Science; vol. 8527)

    Research output: Scholarly Books, Monographs, Reports and Case StudiesRGC 14 - Edited book (Editor)peer-review

  6. Flow in Gaming: Literature Synthesis and Framework Development

    Nah, F.F.-H., Eschenbrenner, B., Zeng, Q., Telaprolu, V. R. & Sepehr, S., 2014, In: International Journal of Information Systems and Management. 1, 1/2, p. 83-124

    Research output: Journal Publications and ReviewsRGC 21 - Publication in refereed journalpeer-review

  7. Gamification of education: A review of literature

    Nah, F.F.-H., Zeng, Q., Telaprolu, V. R., Ayyappa, A. P. & Eschenbrenner, B., 2014, HCI in Business - First International Conference, HCIB 2014, Held as Part of HCI International 2014, Proceedings. Springer Verlag, Vol. 8527 LNCS. p. 401-409 (Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics); vol. 8527 LNCS).

    Research output: Chapters, Conference Papers, Creative and Literary WorksRGC 32 - Refereed conference paper (with host publication)peer-review

    Scopus citations: 325
  8. Information systems user competency: A conceptual foundation

    Eschenbrenner, B. & Nah, F.F.-H., 2014, In: Communications of the Association for Information Systems. 34, 1, p. 1363-1378 80.

    Research output: Journal Publications and ReviewsRGC 21 - Publication in refereed journalpeer-review

    Scopus citations: 20
  9. 2013
  10. Leveraging social media to achieve business objectives

    Eschenbrenner, B. & Nah, F.F.-H., Dec 2013, In: Cutter IT Journal. 26, 12, p. 24-29

    Research output: Journal Publications and ReviewsRGC 21 - Publication in refereed journalpeer-review

    Scopus citations: 1
  11. Computer-supported collaborative learning: A research framework

    Long, Y., Nah, F.F.-H., Eschenbrenner, B. & Schoonover, T., 2013, In: Industrial Management and Data Systems. 113, 4, p. 605-623

    Research output: Journal Publications and ReviewsRGC 21 - Publication in refereed journalpeer-review

    Scopus citations: 9
  12. Creative innovativeness with information systems (IS) and its role in quality IS usage

    Eschenbrenner, B. & Nah, F.F.-H., 2013, 19th Americas Conference on Information Systems, AMCIS 2013 - Hyperconnected World: Anything, Anywhere, Anytime. Vol. 2. p. 913-917 (19th Americas Conference on Information Systems, AMCIS 2013 - Hyperconnected World: Anything, Anywhere, Anytime; vol. 2).

    Research output: Chapters, Conference Papers, Creative and Literary WorksRGC 32 - Refereed conference paper (with host publication)peer-review

    Scopus citations: 1
  13. Efficacy of communication support in collaborative online shopping: The moderating effect of task types

    Siau, K., Nah, F.F.-H. & Sha, H., 2013, 19th Americas Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS 2013) - HYPERCONNECTED WORLD: Anything, Anywhere, Anytime. Vol. 2. p. 1301-1306 (Americas Conference on Information Systems, AMCIS - Hyperconnected World: Anything, Anywhere, Anytime).

    Research output: Chapters, Conference Papers, Creative and Literary WorksRGC 32 - Refereed conference paper (with host publication)peer-review

    Scopus citations: 4
  14. Gamification of education using computer games

    Nah, F.F.-H., Telaprolu, V. R., Rallapalli, S. & Venkata, P. R., 2013, Human Interface and the Management of Information: Information and Interaction for Learning, Culture, Collaboration and Business - 15th International Conference, HCI International 2013, Proceedings. Vol. 8018 LNCS. p. 99-107 (Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics); vol. 8018 LNCS).

    Research output: Chapters, Conference Papers, Creative and Literary WorksRGC 32 - Refereed conference paper (with host publication)peer-review

    Scopus citations: 84
  15. Usability of performance dashboards, usefulness of operational and tactical support, and quality of strategic support: A research framework

    Lea, B.-R. & Nah, F.F.-H., 2013, Human Interface and the Management of Information: Information and Interaction for Health, Safety, Mobility and Complex Environments - 15th International Conference, HCI International 2013, Proc.. Vol. 8017 LNCS. p. 116-123 (Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics); vol. 8017 LNCS).

    Research output: Chapters, Conference Papers, Creative and Literary WorksRGC 32 - Refereed conference paper (with host publication)peer-review

    Scopus citations: 4
  16. 2012
  17. Empirical comparison of 3-D virtual world and face-to-face classroom for higher education

    Chen, X., Siau, K. & Nah, F.F.-H., Jul 2012, In: Journal of Database Management. 23, 3, p. 30-49

    Research output: Journal Publications and ReviewsRGC 21 - Publication in refereed journalpeer-review

    Scopus citations: 19
  18. Decision-Making Models, Decision Support, and Problem Solving

    Lehto, M. R., Nah, F.F.-H. & Yi, J. S., 26 Mar 2012, Handbook of Human Factors and Ergonomics: Fourth Edition. John Wiley and Sons, p. 192-242

    Research output: Chapters, Conference Papers, Creative and Literary WorksRGC 12 - Chapter in an edited book (Author)peer-review

    Scopus citations: 14
  19. Agent-based virtual humans in co-space: An evaluative study

    Kang, Y., Tan, A.-H. & Nah, F.F.-H., 2012, Proceedings - 2012 IEEE/WIC/ACM International Conference on Intelligent Agent Technology, IAT 2012. Vol. 2. p. 59-66 6511551. (Proceedings - 2012 IEEE/WIC/ACM International Conference on Intelligent Agent Technology, IAT 2012; vol. 2).

    Research output: Chapters, Conference Papers, Creative and Literary WorksRGC 32 - Refereed conference paper (with host publication)peer-review

    Scopus citations: 6
  20. (Hidden) social influences in switching mobile service platforms

    Tuunainen, V. K., Tuunanen, T. & Nah, F.F.-H., 2012, ICEC 2012 - 14th Annual International Conference on Electronic Commerce. p. 282-289 (ACM International Conference Proceeding Series).

    Research output: Chapters, Conference Papers, Creative and Literary WorksRGC 32 - Refereed conference paper (with host publication)peer-review

    Scopus citations: 4
  21. Investigating intelligent agents in A 3D virtual world

    Kang, Y., Nah, F.F.-H. & Tan, A.-H., 2012, International Conference on Information Systems, ICIS 2012. Vol. 5. p. 4030-4036 (International Conference on Information Systems, ICIS 2012; vol. 5).

    Research output: Chapters, Conference Papers, Creative and Literary WorksRGC 32 - Refereed conference paper (with host publication)peer-review

    Scopus citations: 7
  22. 2011
  23. Gender differences in virtual collaboration on a creative design task

    Schiller, S., Nah, F., Mennecke, B. & Siau, K., Dec 2011, Thirty Second International Conference on Information Systems, Shanghai 2011. Vol. 3. p. 1780-1793 (International Conference on Information Systems, ICIS).

    Research output: Chapters, Conference Papers, Creative and Literary WorksRGC 32 - Refereed conference paper (with host publication)peer-review

    Scopus citations: 8
  24. Information quality on the World Wide Web: Development of a framework

    Kandari, J., Jones, E. C., Nah, F.F.-H. & Bishu, R. R., Nov 2011, In: International Journal of Information Quality. 2, 4, p. 324-343

    Research output: Journal Publications and ReviewsRGC 21 - Publication in refereed journalpeer-review

    Scopus citations: 15
  25. A meta-analysis comparing relational and semantic models

    Siau, K., Nah, F.F.-H. & Cao, Q., Oct 2011, In: Journal of Database Management. 22, 4, p. 57-72

    Research output: Journal Publications and ReviewsRGC 21 - Publication in refereed journalpeer-review

    Scopus citations: 6
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