Dr. PAN Fei (潘飛)

Patents (CityU)

  1. 2023
  2. Accepted/In press/Filed

    ​Method for Accurate Segmentation of Unstained Living Adherent Cells in Differential Interference Contrast Images​

    PAN, F., WU, Y., SUN, D., CHAN, H. F. R. & CUI, K., 2 Nov 2023, (Accepted/In press/Filed) Priority No. 18/500,218

    Research output: Patents, Agreements and AssignmentsRGC 51 - Patents (CityU)

  3. 2021
  4. Accepted/In press/Filed

    Automated System for High-Throughput Microinjection of Adherent Cells

    PAN, F., SUN, D., CHEN, S. & JIAO, Y., 4 Aug 2021, (Accepted/In press/Filed) Priority No. 17/393,721

    Research output: Patents, Agreements and AssignmentsRGC 51 - Patents (CityU)
