Prof. LIU Cheng (劉成)

PhD and MSc from Stanford University, BEng from NUAA

Visiting address
Phone: +852 34428431

Author IDs

Willing to take PhD students: yes


Cheng Liu's research is focused on Physics-Guided Machine Learning for Structural Health Monitoring (SHM), Smart Structures, Cyber-physical Systems/Digital Twin, Robotic Tactile Sensing and Mechanics of Composite Structures. His recent research includes the fusion of data-driven and physics-based methods for SHM to improve its robustness and explainability, so that SHM can really be widely applied in real-world scenarios and thrive in the era of Industry 4.0.

Dr. Liu received his PhD from the Department of Mechanical Engineering at Stanford University. He obtained his M.Sc. in Aeronautics and Astronautics from Stanford University in 2015 and his B.Sc. in Aircraft Design and Engineering, from Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics (NUAA) in 2013.

Research Interests/Areas

  • Physics-Guided Deep Learning
  • Structural Health Monitoring
  • Structural Digital Twin
  • Smart Materials and Structures
  • CFRP Composites


  • Sep 2019 “Best Poster Paper Award ” 12th International Workshop on Structural Health Monitoring. [URL]
  • Jun 2016 “Stanford Centennial Teaching Assistant Award” Stanford University.


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