Prof. Andrey ROGACH
28 CityU scholars are listed among the world's Highly Cited Researchers; CityU ranked 1st in terms of proportion in Hong Kong
LOU, D. X. W., ZHANG, H., CHU, P. K. H., FAN, Z., HE, J.-H., HO, W. C. D., LEE, C. S., LIANG, G., NG, Y. H., REN, Y., ROGACH, A., TSUI, K. L., ZENG, X., ZENG, Z., ZHU, Z., CHEN, G., FENG, G. G., WANG, J., JEN, A., YIP, H. L., ZHI, C., LIU, B., ZHANG, Q., ZHANG, Q. & LU, Y.
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14 MSE faculty members have been named the Highly Cited Researchers 2023
CHU, P. K. H., HE, J.-H., JEN, A., LEE, C. S., LIU, B., REN, Y., ROGACH, A., YIP, H. L., ZENG, X., ZHANG, H., ZHANG, Q., ZHI, C. & ZHU, Z.
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RGC rewards top CityU scientists for timely, applicable research
HE, J., ROGACH, A., ZHI, C. & YU, X.
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29 scholars listed among the world's most cited researchers, CityU ranked 1st in terms of proportion in Hong Kong and Asia
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17 MSE Faculty Members in Stanford’s List of World’s Top 2% Scientists
CHI, Y., CHUNG, C. Y., HE, J.-H., JEN, A., WU, L., LIU, C. T., ROGACH, A., SHEK, C. H., TU, K. N., WANG, F., YIP, H. L., ZENG, X., ZHANG, Q., ZHANG, W., ZHI, C. & ZHU, Y.
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Nine MSE faculty members have been named the Highly Cited Researchers 2021
CHU, P. K. H., HE, J.-H., HE, Q., JEN, A., ROGACH, A., YIP, H. L., ZHANG, H., ZHANG, Q. & ZHI, C.
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Two distinguished CityU scholars elected Foreign Members of the Academia Europaea
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Producing efficient LEDs based on 2D perovskite material breakthrough
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Producing highly efficient LEDs based on 2D perovskite films
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Eight MSE faculty members have been named the Highly Cited Researchers 2020
CHU, P. K. H., JEN, A., ROGACH, A., ZHANG, H., ZHANG, Q., ZHI, C., HE, J.-H. & ZENG, Z.
1 item of Media coverage
Press/Media: Press / Media
Novel synthesis of water-resistant perovskite semiconductors
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Highly Cited Researchers 2019
CHEN, G., CHU, P. K. H., FENG, G. G., JEN, A., LIEW, K. M., ROGACH, A., WANG, J., ZHANG, Q. & ZHI, C.
1 item of Media coverage
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CityU materials scientist receives prestigious international and local awards
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New Approach Improving Stability and Optical Properties of Perovskite Films
1 item of Media coverage
Press/Media: Press / Media
Ten CityU scholars honoured for highly cited papers
CHEN, G., CHU, P. K. H., FENG, G. G., HO, W. C. D., JEN, A., LEUNG, K. H. M., LIEW, K. M., ROGACH, A., WANG, F. & ZHANG, Q.
1 item of Media coverage
Press/Media: Press / Media