College, Schools and Academic Departments

School of Energy and Environment

Organisational unit: Academic Departments

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  1. Highly Cited Researchers 2020

    Alex JEN, Hua ZHANG, Zhanxi FAN, Bo CHEN, Wing Cheong Daniel HO & Paul Kim Ho CHU


    1 item of Media coverage

    Press/Media: Press / Media

  2. News: Hong Kong Headline News <<頭條日報>>

    Chi Yan TSO


    1 Media contribution

    Press/Media: Press / Media

  3. Novel perovskite material with a special structure can generate hydrogen without cocatalyst

    Sam H Y HSU & Zuankai WANG


    1 item of Media coverage

    Press/Media: Press / Media

  4. 新研制钙钛矿材料具特别结构 无需助催化剂仍能产氢

    Sam H Y HSU


    1 Media contribution

    Press/Media: Press / Media

  5. Harnessing the potential of tiny power sources

    Yun Hau NG


    1 Media contribution

    Press/Media: Press / Media

  6. New sulfate formation pathway provides more accurate haze prediction

    Chak Keung CHAN, Masao GEN & Ruifeng ZHANG


    3 items of Media coverage

    Press/Media: Press / Media

  7. Why clothes are so hard to recycle

    Shauhrat Singh CHOPRA


    1 item of Media coverage

    Press/Media: Press / Media

  8. Revealing the new formation mechanism of haze pollutants 

    Chak Keung CHAN


    1 item of Media coverage

    Press/Media: Press / Media

  9. CityU new droplet-based electricity generator: A drop of water lights up 100 small LED bulbs

    Zuankai WANG, Wanghuai XU, Huanxi ZHENG, Xiaofeng ZHOU, Kwok Hi Michael LEUNG, Zhengbao YANG, Chao ZHANG & Yuxin SONG


    33 items of Media coverage

    Press/Media: Press / Media

  10. Zero Pollution Technology for Generating Renewable Energy

    Yun Hau NG


    1 Media contribution

    Press/Media: Press / Media

  11. 東周刊-人物傳奇 : 生電王 吳永豪

    Yun Hau NG


    1 item of Media coverage

    Press/Media: Press / Media

  12. Innovation GPS (創科導航) - 污水處理

    Yun Hau NG


    1 item of Media coverage

    Press/Media: Press / Media

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