College, Schools and Academic Departments
School of Creative Media
Organisational unit: Academic Departments
Chapter 2, THE NOMDIC PRACTICES OF HONG KONG WOMEN ARTISTS: Four Case Studies Since 2000 (PhD thesis)
Lai, L. C. H. (Participant)
Impact: Other impacts, Cultural impacts
Citation at International exhibition by curator Dr. Rafael Fonseca
Lai, L. C. H. (Participant)
Impact: Cultural impacts, Other impacts
Citation-Review by Traverse Video's Festival Director Simone Dompeyre
Lai, L. C. H. (Participant)
Impact: Cultural impacts, Other impacts
Feminist strategies to reflect on Hong Kong citspace: a visual ethnographic study on Linda Lai's art project Mnemonic Archiving: a Dispersive Monument
Lai, L. C. H. (Participant)
Impact: Other impacts, Cultural impacts
Interview article with Ming Pao, commentary on Van Gogh Alive Hong Kong and Lai's work on show at H Queen's
Lai, L. C. H. (Participant)
Impact: Cultural impacts, Other impacts
"It's a Heaven Over There" (RTHK Radio 4 FM97.6)
Lai, L. C. H. (Participant)
Impact: Cultural impacts, Quality of life impacts
Linda Chiu-han Lai, Hong Kong Artist of the Year in Media Arts, 2018
Lai, L. C. H. (Participant)
Impact: Cultural impacts
胡風:詩人理想與政治風暴 Hu Feng: Poetic Ideals, Political Storm
WEI, S. L. (Participant)
Impact: Cultural impacts
霞哥傳奇:跨洋電影與女性先鋒 Esther Eng: Cross-ocean Filmmaking and Women Pioneers
WEI, S. L. (Participant) & Law, K. (Participant)
Impact: Cultural impacts