College of Liberal Arts and Social Sciences

Department of Social and Behavioural Sciences

Organisational unit: Academic Departments


  1. 2003
  2. Research Tuition Scholarship

      PANG, S. C.

    • 1 Jul 2003
    • Prize / Honour: Prizes and awards (RGC: 64B)64B_Prizes and awards

  3. 2002
  4. Adjunct Professor

      YUE, X.

    • Oct 2002
    • Prize / Honour: Prizes and awards (RGC: 64B)Other distinction

  5. 2001
  6. Distinguished Contribution Award

      YUE, X.

    • Dec 2001
    • Prize / Honour: Prizes and awards (RGC: 64B)64B_Prizes and awards

  7. Distinguished Services Award

      YUE, X.

    • Nov 2001
    • Prize / Honour: Prizes and awards (RGC: 64B)64B_Prizes and awards

  8. Adjunct Research Fellow

      YUE, X.

    • May 2001
    • Prize / Honour: Prizes and awards (RGC: 64B)Other distinction

  9. Applied Research Excellence Award (Certificate of Merit)

      LO, T. W.

    • 2001
    • Prize / Honour: Prizes and awards (RGC: 64B)64B_Prizes and awards

  10. 2000
  11. Research Tuition Scholarship

      LI, C. M. J.

    • 1 Sept 2000
    • Prize / Honour: Prizes and awards (RGC: 64B)64B_Prizes and awards

  12. The Oxford and Cambridge Society of Hong Kong Scholarship Grant Award

      CHUI, W. H.

    • 2000
    • Prize / Honour: Prizes and awards (RGC: 64B)64B_Prizes and awards

  13. 1999
  14. Adjunct Professor

      YUE, X.

    • Nov 1999
    • Prize / Honour: Prizes and awards (RGC: 64B)Other distinction

  15. 1998
  16. Adjunct Professor

      YUE, X.

    • Oct 1998
    • Prize / Honour: Prizes and awards (RGC: 64B)Other distinction

  17. K. C. Wong Foundation Fellowship

      YUE, X.

    • Jun 1998
    • Prize / Honour: Prizes and awards (RGC: 64B)64B_Prizes and awards

  18. 1996
  19. Teaching Excellence Award

      WONG, S. W. D.

    • 1996
    • Prize / Honour: Prizes and awards (RGC: 64B)64B_Prizes and awards

  20. 1994
  21. College Quality Award (Category B)

      KWOK LAI, Y. C. S.

    • 1994
    • Prize / Honour: Prizes and awards (RGC: 64B)64B_Prizes and awards

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