College of Liberal Arts and Social Sciences
Department of Chinese and History
Organisational unit: Academic Departments
Lecture on "Conflict and Integration of the Eastern and Western Culture"
ZHANG, L. (Participant)
Impact: Cultural impacts, Social impacts
MOOC: Virtual Hong Kong: New World, Old Traditions
WONG, H. T. (Participant), IP, H. S. H. (Participant) & MA, K. F. (Participant)
Impact: Cultural impacts
Museum Learning Series II: Beyond the Sea of Time: Archaeology, Artifacts, and Early Societies
SHEN, D. (Participant)
Impact: Cultural impacts
Provision of Teacher Professional Development Course Series on Optimising Secondary Chinese Language
CHAN, H. Y. (Participant), CHING, M. B. (Participant), KWOK, P. F. (Participant), LU, C. H. (Participant), CUI, W. (Participant) & LING, C. (Participant)
Impact: Public policy impacts, Cultural impacts, Social impacts
〈以有限想像無限 ——對《小徑分岔的花園》與《盜夢空間》的比較研究〉- 〈人大複印資料·外國文學研究〉2024年6期
LI, S. (Participant)
Impact: Cultural impacts
統一戰線視角下的「抗战初期文學」 - 以丁玲〈冀村之夜〉及相关文本为中心 - 〈人大复印资料〉2024年2期
LIU, D. (Participant)
Impact: Cultural impacts