Department of Accountancy
Organisational unit: Academic Departments
SRG: Politically Connected Firms, Legal Enforcement, and Analyst Forecast Attributes around the World
KIM, C. (Principal Investigator / Project Coordinator), CHEN, C. J. P. (Co-Investigator) & Ding, Y. (Co-Investigator)
1/04/08 → 30/11/08
Project: Research
ITF: Research and Development of Business Intelligence Technologies for Enterprise Security Management Systems
MA, J. (Principal Investigator / Project Coordinator), BOLLOJU, N. (Co-Investigator), HAO, G. (Co-Investigator), HSU, W. Y. C. (Co-Investigator), LIU, O. (Co-Investigator), LONG, D. (Co-Investigator), SHIEH, H. T. (Co-Investigator) & ZHU, K. (Co-Investigator)
1/03/08 → 30/06/10
Project: Research
GRF: Auditor Independence and Audit Quality: An Empirical Study on Joint Switches of CPA Firms and Clients in the Chinese Market
SU, X. (Principal Investigator / Project Coordinator) & CHEN, C. J. P. (Co-Investigator)
1/01/08 → 28/03/11
Project: Research
GRF: Cause and Consequence of Cross Listing: Evidence from China
ZHANG, T. (Principal Investigator / Project Coordinator), Hung, M. (Co-Investigator) & WONG, T.-J. (Co-Investigator)
1/01/08 → 29/12/10
Project: Research
GRF: Effect of Privatization on Firm Performance, Accounting Information Quality and Auditors' Sensitivity to Firm-level Risks
SU, X. (Principal Investigator / Project Coordinator), CHEN, C. J. P. (Co-Investigator) & Du, J. (Co-Investigator)
1/01/08 → 28/03/11
Project: Research
GRF: Annual Report Disclosure: Manipulative Silence
COURTIS, J. K. (Principal Investigator / Project Coordinator), LEUNG, S. C. M. (Co-Investigator) & Parker, L. (Co-Investigator)
1/12/07 → 29/12/10
Project: Research
GRF: An Experimental Investigation of the Role of Auditing in Restraining Managerial Expropriation and Improving Reporting Accuracy in Different Governance Contexts
SRINIDHI, B. (Principal Investigator / Project Coordinator) & GHOSH, S. (Co-Investigator)
1/07/07 → 17/03/11
Project: Research
SRG: Annual Report Disclosure: Manipulative Silence
COURTIS, J. K. (Principal Investigator / Project Coordinator), LEUNG, S. C. M. (Co-Investigator) & Parker, L. (Co-Investigator)
1/04/07 → 30/06/07
Project: Research
SRG: Effect of Privatization on Firm Performance, Accounting Information Quality and Auditors' Sensitivity to Firm-level Risks
CHEN, C. J. P. (Principal Investigator / Project Coordinator), Du, J. (Co-Investigator) & SU, X. (Co-Investigator)
1/04/07 → 30/06/07
Project: Research
SRG: Interaction Between Corporate Governance, Voluntary Disclosure and Earnings Quality: Evidence from Hong Kong Listed Firms
LEUNG, S. C. M. (Principal Investigator / Project Coordinator), Lobo, G. (Co-Investigator) & SRINIDHI, B. (Co-Investigator)
1/04/07 → 21/10/09
Project: Research
TDG(CityU): Supplemental Instruction Scheme
POON, M. C. C. (Principal Investigator / Project Coordinator)
15/09/06 → 9/09/08
Project: Research
QEdF: Cooperative Learning in the 21st Century - Supplemental Instruction Scheme in Senior Forms
POON, M. C. C. (Principal Investigator / Project Coordinator)
1/09/06 → 6/12/07
Project: Research