Department of Accountancy
Organisational unit: Academic Departments
- 2016
"Impression Management through Minimal Narrative Disclosure in Annual Reports", British Accounting and Finance Association Prize for 2015
- 2016
Parker, L.
Courtis, J.
Prize / Honour: Prizes and awards (RGC: 64B) › 64B_Prizes and awards
- 2015
Chow Yei Ching School of Graduate Studies Entrance Scholarships
- 1 Sept 2015
Prize / Honour: Prizes and awards (RGC: 64B) › 64B_Prizes and awards
The Best Paper Award, 2015 Mid-Year Meeting of the AIS Section of American Accounting Association (AAA)
- 24 Jan 2015
Griffin, P.
Hong, H.
Lim, J.
Prize / Honour: Prizes and awards (RGC: 64B) › 64B_Prizes and awards
- 2014
Conference Grant (Full International Air fare and Accommodation)
- 27 Nov 2014
Prize / Honour: Prizes and awards (RGC: 64B) › 64B_Prizes and awards
Vernon Zimmerman Best Paper Award
- 29 Oct 2014
LU, L.
Prize / Honour: Prizes and awards (RGC: 64B) › 64B_Prizes and awards
Research Tuition Scholarship
- 1 Sept 2014
Prize / Honour: Prizes and awards (RGC: 64B) › 64B_Prizes and awards
Outstanding Academic Performance Award for Research Degree Students (non-local UGC-funded students)
- 16 Aug 2014
Prize / Honour: Prizes and awards (RGC: 64B) › 64B_Prizes and awards
Awards for Excellence - 2014: Highly commended papers in Managerial Auditing Journal
- 4 Aug 2014
POON, M. C. C.
Prize / Honour: Prizes and awards (RGC: 64B) › 64B_Prizes and awards
The Best Paper Award, 2014 International Conference on Business and Information
- 4 Jul 2014
LO, A.
Prize / Honour: Prizes and awards (RGC: 64B) › 64B_Prizes and awards
The Best Paper Award, 6th Asia-Pacific Business Research Conference 2014
- 4 Jun 2014
LO, A. W. Y.
Prize / Honour: Prizes and awards (RGC: 64B) › 64B_Prizes and awards
- 2013
The ACCA Hong Kong Top Affiliate
- 8 Oct 2013
Prize / Honour: Prizes and awards (RGC: 64B) › 64B_Prizes and awards
Outstanding Academic Performance Award for Research Degree Students (non-local UGC-funded students)
- 16 Aug 2013
Prize / Honour: Prizes and awards (RGC: 64B) › 64B_Prizes and awards
Outstanding Academic Performance Award for Research Degree Students (non UGC-funded students)
- 16 Aug 2013
Prize / Honour: Prizes and awards (RGC: 64B) › 64B_Prizes and awards
ACCA Hong Kong Top Score Paper Winner of Paper P5 (December 2012)
- 19 Mar 2013
Prize / Honour: Prizes and awards (RGC: 64B) › 64B_Prizes and awards
- 2012
The College of Business Research Studies Scholarships
- 1 Sept 2012
XU, S.
Prize / Honour: Prizes and awards (RGC: 64B) › 64B_Prizes and awards
The Department of Accountancy Research Studies Scholarships
- 1 Sept 2012
XU, S.
Prize / Honour: Prizes and awards (RGC: 64B) › 64B_Prizes and awards
- 2011
The College of Business Research Studies Scholarships
- 1 Sept 2011
XU, S.
Prize / Honour: Prizes and awards (RGC: 64B) › 64B_Prizes and awards
The Department of Accountancy Research Studies Scholarships
- 1 Sept 2011
XU, S.
Prize / Honour: Prizes and awards (RGC: 64B) › 64B_Prizes and awards
- 2010
The College of Business Research Studies Scholarships
- 1 Sept 2010
XU, S.
Prize / Honour: Prizes and awards (RGC: 64B) › 64B_Prizes and awards
The Department of Accountancy Research Studies Scholarships
- 1 Sept 2010
XU, S.
Prize / Honour: Prizes and awards (RGC: 64B) › 64B_Prizes and awards