Turkish Journal of Physics

Turkish Journal of Physics

ISSNs: 1300-0101, 1303-6122, 1010-7630, 1011-0941, 0254-5497

Additional searchable ISSN (electronic): 1303-6122

Scientific and Technical Research Council of Turkey - TUBITAK, Türkiye

Scopus rating (2023): CiteScore 3.5 SJR 0.328 SNIP 0.524


Journal Metrics

Research Output

  1. 2014
  2. Published

    The influence of TiO2 nanostructure properties on the performance of TiO2-based anodes in lithium ion battery applications

    LIU, X., SUN, Q., LIU, F., DJURISIC, A. B., NG, A. M. C., XIE, M. & WOOD, T. & 3 others, ZAPIEN, J. A., LIAO, C. & SHIH, K., 28 Nov 2014, In: Turkish Journal of Physics. 38, 3, p. 442-449

    Research output: Journal Publications and ReviewsRGC 21 - Publication in refereed journalpeer-review

    Scopus citations: 4
  3. 1990
  4. Published

    Excimer Laser Patterning Technologies for Microfabrication

    Ehrlich, D. J., Maki, P. A., Pang, S. W., Rothschild, M., Kunz, R. R., Horn, M. W. & Hartney, M. A., 1990, In: Turkish Journal of Physics. 14, Supp. 1, p. 1-11

    Research output: Journal Publications and ReviewsRGC 21 - Publication in refereed journalpeer-review
