PLoS Biology

PLoS Biology

ISSNs: 1544-9173, 1545-7885

Public Library of Science

Scopus rating (2023): CiteScore 14.4 SJR 3.822 SNIP 2.121

Indexed in DOAJ


Journal Metrics

Research Output

  1. 2020
  2. Loss of hepatic aldolase B activates Akt and promotes hepatocellular carcinogenesis by destabilizing the Aldob/Akt/PP2A protein complex

    He, X., Li, M., Yu, H., Liu, G., Wang, N., Yin, C. & Tu, Q. & 4 others, Narla, G., Tao, Y., Cheng, S. & Yin, H., Dec 2020, In: PLoS Biology. 18, 12, e3000803.

    Research output: Journal Publications and ReviewsRGC 21 - Publication in refereed journalpeer-review

    Scopus citations: 46
  3. 2019
  4. TSC1/mTOR-controlled metabolic-epigenetic cross talk underpins DC control of CD8+ T-cell homeostasis

    Shi, L., Chen, X., Zang, A., Li, T., Hu, Y., Ma, S. & Lu, M. & 7 others, Yin, H., Wang, H., Zhang, X., Zhang, B., Leng, Q., Yang, J. & Xiao, H., Aug 2019, In: PLoS Biology. 17, 8, e3000420.

    Research output: Journal Publications and ReviewsRGC 21 - Publication in refereed journalpeer-review

    Scopus citations: 24
  5. A novel nonosteocytic regulatory mechanism of bone modeling

    Ofer, L., Dean, M. N., Zaslansky, P., Kult, S., Shwartz, Y., Zaretsky, J. & Griess-Fishheimer, S. & 3 others, Monsonego-Ornan, E., Zelzer, E. & Shahar, R., 1 Feb 2019, In: PLoS Biology. 17, 2, e3000140.

    Research output: Journal Publications and ReviewsRGC 21 - Publication in refereed journalpeer-review

    Scopus citations: 35
  6. 2016
  7. Structural and Molecular Mechanism of CdpR Involved in Quorum-Sensing and Bacterial Virulence in Pseudomonas aeruginosa

    Zhao, J., Yu, X., Zhu, M., Kang, H., Ma, J., Wu, M. & Gan, J. & 2 others, Deng, X. & Liang, H., 27 Apr 2016, In: PLoS Biology. 14, 4, 1002449.

    Research output: Journal Publications and ReviewsRGC 21 - Publication in refereed journalpeer-review

    Scopus citations: 43
  8. 2014
  9. In Vivo Time-Resolved Microtomography Reveals the Mechanics of the Blowfly Flight Motor

    Walker, S. M., Schwyn, D. A., Mokso, R., Wicklein, M., Müller, T., Doube, M. & Stampanoni, M. & 2 others, Krapp, H. G. & Taylor, G. K., Mar 2014, In: PLoS Biology. 12, 3, e1001823.

    Research output: Journal Publications and ReviewsRGC 21 - Publication in refereed journalpeer-review

    Scopus citations: 138
  10. 2013
  11. Constructing Noise-Invariant Representations of Sound in the Auditory Pathway

    Rabinowitz, N. C., Willmore, B. D. B., King, A. J. & Schnupp, J. W. H., Nov 2013, In: PLoS Biology. 11, 11, e1001710.

    Research output: Journal Publications and ReviewsRGC 21 - Publication in refereed journalpeer-review

    Scopus citations: 104
  12. 2005
  13. The Genomes of Oryza sativa: A History of Duplications

    Yu, J., Wang, J., Lin, W., Li, S., Li, H., Zhou, J. & Ni, P. & 110 others, Dong, W., Hu, S., Zeng, C., Zhang, J., Zhang, Y., Li, R., Xu, Z., Li, S., Li, X., Zheng, H., Cong, L., Lin, L., Yin, J., Geng, J., Li, G., Shi, J., Liu, J., Lv, H., Li, J., Wang, J., Deng, Y., Ran, L., Shi, X., Wang, X., Wu, Q., Li, C., Ren, X., Wang, J., Wang, X., Li, D., Liu, D., Zhang, X., Ji, Z., Zhao, W., Sun, Y., Zhang, Z., Bao, J., Han, Y., Dong, L., Ji, J., Chen, P., Wu, S., Liu, J., Xiao, Y., Bu, D., Tan, J., Yang, L., Ye, C., Zhang, J., Xu, J., Zhou, Y., Yu, Y., Zhang, B., Zhuang, S., Wei, H., Liu, B., Lei, M., Yu, H., Li, Y., Xu, H., Wei, S., He, X., Fang, L., Zhang, Z., Zhang, Y., Huang, X., Su, Z., Tong, W., Li, J., Tong, Z., Li, S., Ye, J., Wang, L., Fang, L., Lei, T., Chen, C., Chen, H., Xu, Z., Li, H., Huang, H., Zhang, F., Xu, H., Li, N., Zhao, C., Li, S., Dong, L., Huang, Y., Li, L., Xi, Y., Qi, Q., Li, W., Zhang, B., Hu, W., Zhang, Y., Tian, X., Jiao, Y., Liang, X., Jin, J., Gao, L., Zheng, W., Hao, B., Liu, S., Wang, W., Yuan, L., Cao, M., McDermott, J., Samudrala, R., Wang, J., Wong, G.K.-S. & Yang, H., Feb 2005, In: PLoS Biology. 3, 2, p. 0266-0281 e38.

    Research output: Journal Publications and ReviewsRGC 21 - Publication in refereed journalpeer-review

    Scopus citations: 789