ACS Nano

ACS Nano

ISSNs: 1936-0851, 1936-086X

American Chemical Society, United States

Scopus rating (2023): CiteScore 26 SJR 4.593 SNIP 2.267


Journal Metrics

Research Output

  1. 2017
  2. Modifying Surface Chemistry of Metal Oxides for Boosting Dissolution Kinetics in Water by Liquid Cell Electron Microscopy

    Lu, Y., Geng, J., Wang, K., Zhang, W., Ding, W., Zhang, Z. & Xie, S. & 3 others, Dai, H., Chen, F.-R. & Sui, M., 22 Aug 2017, In: ACS Nano. 11, 8, p. 8018-8025

    Research output: Journal Publications and ReviewsRGC 21 - Publication in refereed journalpeer-review

    Scopus citations: 41
  3. Cation-Eutectic Transition via Sublattice Melting in CuInP2S6/In4/3P2S6 van der Waals Layered Crystals

    Susner, M. A., Chyasnavichyus, M., Puretzky, A. A., He, Q., Conner, B. S., Ren, Y. & Cullen, D. A. & 7 others, Ganesh, P., Shin, D., Demir, H., McMurray, J. W., Borisevich, A. Y., Maksymovych, P. & McGuire, M. A., 25 Jul 2017, In: ACS Nano. 11, 7, p. 7060-7073

    Research output: Journal Publications and ReviewsRGC 21 - Publication in refereed journalpeer-review

    Scopus citations: 56
  4. Interdiffusion Reaction-Assisted Hybridization of Two-Dimensional Metal-Organic Frameworks and Ti3C2Tx Nanosheets for Electrocatalytic Oxygen Evolution

    Zhao, L., Dong, B., Li, S., Zhou, L., Lai, L., Wang, Z. & Zhao, S. & 13 others, Han, M., Gao, K., Lu, M., Xie, X., Chen, B., Liu, Z., Wang, X., Zhang, H., Li, H., Liu, J., Zhang, H., Huang, X. & Huang, W., 27 Jun 2017, In: ACS Nano. 11, 6, p. 5800-5807

    Research output: Journal Publications and ReviewsRGC 21 - Publication in refereed journalpeer-review

    Scopus citations: 605
  5. Photothermal Effect Induced Negative Photoconductivity and High Responsivity in Flexible Black Phosphorus Transistors

    Miao, J., Song, B., Li, Q., Cai, L., Zhang, S., Hu, W. & Dong, L. & 1 others, Wang, C., 27 Jun 2017, In: ACS Nano. 11, 6, p. 6048-6056

    Research output: Journal Publications and ReviewsRGC 21 - Publication in refereed journalpeer-review

    Scopus citations: 122
  6. Omnidirectional Harvesting of Weak Light Using a Graphene Quantum Dot-Modified Organic/Silicon Hybrid Device

    Tsai, M.-L., Tsai, D.-S., Tang, L., Chen, L.-J., Lau, S. P. & He, J.-H., 23 May 2017, In: ACS Nano. 11, 5, p. 4564-4570

    Research output: Journal Publications and ReviewsRGC 21 - Publication in refereed journalpeer-review

    Scopus citations: 39
  7. Recent Advances in Cantilever-Free Scanning Probe Lithography: High-Throughput, Space-Confined Synthesis of Nanostructures and beyond

    He, Q., Tan, C. & Zhang, H., 23 May 2017, In: ACS Nano. 11, 5, p. 4381-4386

    Research output: Journal Publications and ReviewsRGC 21 - Publication in refereed journalpeer-review

    Scopus citations: 21
  8. Understanding the Thermal Stability of Palladium-Platinum Core-Shell Nanocrystals by in Situ Transmission Electron Microscopy and Density Functional Theory

    Vara, M., Roling, L. T., Wang, X., Elnabawy, A. O., Hood, Z. D., Chi, M. & Mavrikakis, M. & 1 others, Xia, Y., 23 May 2017, In: ACS Nano. 11, 5, p. 4571-4581

    Research output: Journal Publications and ReviewsRGC 21 - Publication in refereed journalpeer-review

    Scopus citations: 57
  9. Metal-Substrate-Mediated Plasmon Hybridization in a Nanoparticle Dimer for Photoluminescence Line-Width Shrinking and Intensity Enhancement

    Li, G.-C., Zhang, Y.-L., Jiang, J., Luo, Y. & Lei, D. Y., 28 Mar 2017, In: ACS Nano. 11, 3, p. 3067-3080

    Research output: Journal Publications and ReviewsRGC 21 - Publication in refereed journalpeer-review

    Scopus citations: 135
  10. Characterizing Photon Reabsorption in Quantum Dot-Polymer Composites for Use as Displacement Sensors

    Koc, M. A., Raja, S. N., Hanson, L. A., Nguyen, S. C., Borys, N. J., Powers, A. S. & Wu, S. & 6 others, Takano, K., Swabeck, J. K., Olshansky, J. H., Lin, L., Ritchie, R. O. & Alivisatos, A. P., 28 Feb 2017, In: ACS Nano. 11, 2, p. 2075-2084

    Research output: Journal Publications and ReviewsRGC 21 - Publication in refereed journalpeer-review

    Scopus citations: 37
  11. Mechanisms of Contact, Adhesion, and Failure of Metallic Nanoasperities in the Presence of Adsorbates: Toward Conductive Contact Design

    Yang, F., Carpick, R. W. & Srolovitz, D. J., 24 Jan 2017, In: ACS Nano. 11, 1, p. 490-500

    Research output: Journal Publications and ReviewsRGC 21 - Publication in refereed journalpeer-review

    Scopus citations: 20
  12. 2016
  13. Pronounced Fano Resonance in Single Gold Split Nanodisks with 15 nm Split Gaps for Intensive Second Harmonic Generation

    Zhang, S., Li, G.-C., Chen, Y., Zhu, X., Liu, S.-D., Lei, D. Y. & Duan, H., 27 Dec 2016, In: ACS Nano. 10, 12, p. 11105-11114

    Research output: Journal Publications and ReviewsRGC 21 - Publication in refereed journalpeer-review

    Scopus citations: 140
  14. Chemically Engineered Substrates for Patternable Growth of Two-Dimensional Chalcogenide Crystals

    Wang, M., Wu, J., Lin, L., Liu, Y., Deng, B., Guo, Y. & Lin, Y. & 4 others, Xie, T., Dang, W., Zhou, Y. & Peng, H., 22 Nov 2016, In: ACS Nano. 10, 11, p. 10317-10323

    Research output: Journal Publications and ReviewsRGC 21 - Publication in refereed journalpeer-review

    Scopus citations: 19
  15. Laterally Stitched Heterostructures of Transition Metal Dichalcogenide: Chemical Vapor Deposition Growth on Lithographically Patterned Area

    Li, H., Li, P., Huang, J.-K., Li, M.-Y., Yang, C.-W., Shi, Y. & Zhang, X.-X. & 1 others, Li, L.-J., 22 Nov 2016, In: ACS Nano. 10, 11, p. 10516-10523

    Research output: Journal Publications and ReviewsRGC 21 - Publication in refereed journalpeer-review

    Scopus citations: 51
  16. Structural Evolution of Core-Shell Gold Nanoclusters: Aun- (n = 42-50)

    Pande, S., Huang, W., Shao, N., Wang, L.-M., Khetrapal, N., Mei, W.-N. & Jian, T. & 2 others, Wang, L.-S. & Zeng, X. C., 22 Nov 2016, In: ACS Nano. 10, 11, p. 10013-10022

    Research output: Journal Publications and ReviewsRGC 21 - Publication in refereed journalpeer-review

    Scopus citations: 37
  17. Optical Gain in MoS2 via Coupling with Nanostructured Substrate: Fabry-Perot Interference and Plasmonic Excitation

    Jeong, H. Y., Kim, U. J., Kim, H., Han, G. H., Lee, H., Kim, M. S. & Jin, Y. & 7 others, Ly, T. H., Lee, S. Y., Roh, Y.-G., Joo, W.-J., Hwang, S. W., Park, Y. & Lee, Y. H., 27 Sept 2016, In: ACS Nano. 10, 9, p. 8192-8198

    Research output: Journal Publications and ReviewsRGC 21 - Publication in refereed journalpeer-review

    Scopus citations: 69
  18. Peptide-Directed PdAu Nanoscale Surface Segregation: Toward Controlled Bimetallic Architecture for Catalytic Materials

    Bedford, N. M., Showalter, A. R., Woehl, T. J., Hughes, Z. E., Lee, S., Reinhart, B. & Ertem, S. P. & 4 others, Coughlin, E. B., Ren, Y., Walsh, T. R. & Bunker, B. A., 27 Sept 2016, In: ACS Nano. 10, 9, p. 8645-8659

    Research output: Journal Publications and ReviewsRGC 21 - Publication in refereed journalpeer-review

    Scopus citations: 62
  19. Self-Assembly of Janus Oligomers into Onion-like Vesicles with Layer-by-Layer Water Discharging Capability: A Minimalist Model

    Arai, N., Yasuoka, K. & Zeng, X. C., 23 Aug 2016, In: ACS Nano. 10, 8, p. 8026-8037

    Research output: Journal Publications and ReviewsRGC 21 - Publication in refereed journalpeer-review

    Scopus citations: 45
  20. Ag-Ag2S Hybrid Nanoprisms: Structural versus Plasmonic Evolution

    Shahjamali, M. M., Zhou, Y., Zaraee, N., Xue, C., Wu, J., Large, N. & McGuirk, C. M. & 5 others, Boey, F., Dravid, V., Cui, Z., Schatz, G. C. & Mirkin, C. A., 24 May 2016, In: ACS Nano. 10, 5, p. 5362-5373

    Research output: Journal Publications and ReviewsRGC 21 - Publication in refereed journalpeer-review

    Scopus citations: 68
  21. Bioinspired, Highly Stretchable, and Conductive Dry Adhesives Based on 1D-2D Hybrid Carbon Nanocomposites for All-in-One ECG Electrodes

    Kim, T., Park, J., Sohn, J., Cho, D. & Jeon, S., 26 Apr 2016, In: ACS Nano. 10, 4, p. 4770-4778

    Research output: Journal Publications and ReviewsRGC 21 - Publication in refereed journalpeer-review

    Scopus citations: 356
  22. Engineering the Absorption and Field Enhancement Properties of Au-TiO2 Nanohybrids via Whispering Gallery Mode Resonances for Photocatalytic Water Splitting

    Zhang, J., Jin, X., Morales-Guzman, P. I., Yu, X., Liu, H., Zhang, H. & Razzari, L. & 1 others, Claverie, J. P., 26 Apr 2016, In: ACS Nano. 10, 4, p. 4496-4503

    Research output: Journal Publications and ReviewsRGC 21 - Publication in refereed journalpeer-review

    Scopus citations: 240
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