霞哥傳奇:跨洋電影與女性先鋒 Esther Eng: Cross-ocean Filmmaking and Women Pioneers

Impact: Cultural impacts

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Description of impact

“Esther Eng: Cross-ocean Filmmaking and Women Pioneers,” co-authored by Law Kar, won the 2017 Hong Kong Book Award, which is hosted by Radio Television Hong Kong and Hong Kong Publishing Federation Ltd. About 10 prizes are given out each year at the Hong Kong Book Prize from over 400 titles nominated by Hong Kong and Taiwan publishers. In 2017, the prizes were selected by both a jury of over 10 writers and through internet voting. This book was chosen out of 480 other nominated books.

In addition to the positive reviews received, the book has been imported into Mainland China with a simplified Chinese version published by Beijing Times Press in March 2018.

Category of impact

  • Cultural impacts