New sulfate formation pathway provides more accurate haze prediction
Press/Media: Press / Media
Media coverage
Title | 城大破解霧霾硫酸鹽形成新途徑 |
Description | 香港城市大學揭示硫酸鹽(Sulfate)形成的新途徑,有助提升霧霾預測的準確度,幫助解決空氣污染。研究結果已於學術期刊《環境科學與技術通訊》發表,並獲選為該刊2019年五篇最佳論文之一,是大氣污染研究領域的唯一得獎論文。 |
Persons |
Media name/outlet | 信報財經 |
Place | Hong Kong |
Media type | Web |
Producer/Author | StartupBeat 創科鬥室 |
Date | 14/07/20 |
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Title | New sulfate formation pathway provides more accurate haze prediction |
Description | Professor Chan Chak-keung, Dean of the School of Energy and Environment (SEE) and Chair Professor of Atmospheric Environment, Dr Gen Masao, Postdoctoral Fellow at the SEE (currently Assistant Professor at Kanazawa University, Japan), and Zhang Ruifeng, PhD student in the SEE at City University of Hong Kong (CityU) have proposed a new pathway for the formation of sulfate through the photolysis of particulate nitrate, providing new insights for improving haze prediction to address air pollution problems. It can also potentially explain the difference between field measurements and model estimations of sulfate formation during haze episodes. The research was published in the prestigious journal Environmental Science & Technology Letters and was recognised as one of the journal’s five Best Paper Awards winners in 2019 and the only winner in the atmospheric pollution research area. |
Persons |
Media name/outlet | CityU NewsCentre |
Place | Hong Kong |
Media type | Web |
Producer/Author | Cathy Choi |
Date | 13/07/20 |
Link | |
Title | 城大揭硫酸鹽形成新途徑 |
Description | 香港城市大學能源及環境學院院長兼大氣環境學講座教授陳澤強教授、博士後研究員玄大雄博士以及博士生張瑞鳳近日成功揭示了硝酸鹽光解反應是形成硫酸鹽的新途徑。有關研究結果已於知名學術期刊《環境科學與技術通訊》上發表,並獲選為該刊2019年五篇最佳論文之一,亦是大氣污染研究領域的唯一得獎論文。 |
Persons |
Media name/outlet | 香港商報 |
Place | Hong Kong |
Media type | Web |
Producer/Author | 李銘欣 |
Date | 13/07/20 |
Link | |